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Back in 2012 The Naval War College gathered up all the communications and letters of Adm. Chester Nimitz. from the attack on Pearl Harbor to just before the Japanese surrender and digitized them.  This is a fantastic read and can give one insights on how the war in the Pacific was carried out. plus what motivated Nimitz and why He did things.  These documents are published in 8 volumes as PDFs so they can be downloaded easily.



David B




Thank you for the link... Very interesting. I've just finished “The Admirals: Nimitz, Halsey, Leahy, and King — The Five-Star Admirals Who Won the War at Sea,” by Walter R. Borneman and your link added some great background. The book is an interesting perspective of the intertwined careers of the first five star admirals. It is a bit light on the battles and more focused on the overall context of decisions and leadership. It illuminates the wider influence of Leahy and calls out the lack of full recognition for the contributions made by Spruance. A fine read.



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