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I have a little experience working with wooden ship kits, but my sons always ask if they can help.  I'd really like to build my HMS Victory with them so I decided to get this small kit to help them learn some of the principles behind wooden ship kit building.  


We got started by cutting the Keel and the first four frames out.  The older son is the only one that can handle the Xacto knife so he cut those with my help.  Both of them got bored with sanding quick but when I pulled out the rotary tool with the sanding drum to do the inside edges, they didn't mind so much.  These are just dry fitted right now:






The futtocks will be visible in the finished product and I didn't want to leave them blackened from the laser cut. So I thought I might spice them up by adding a veneer to the inner edges down to below the floor.  Hmmmm, where to get the veneer?




So I decided to test out this little saw I bought off Amazon and see how good it could do.  I used one of the thicker planks from the kit to see if the saw could do planks.



The result on the sprue plywood:




I didn't get pictures but next I tried making a veneer, something pretty thin that I could use on the frames.  The result was a few section of veneer.  I wasn't able to get any really long thin strips but I did get multiple shorter pieces.



Yes I did clean the glue up but not perfectly, I want a nice crisp corner when I trim later.


The Result:



We have yet to see if that will do anything for the overall model, but it was fun and I can chalk it up to experience for later.



Welcome to MSW. 

Nice little boat to start with.

Good idea to veneer the parts that will be on show if you are not painting the model.

Getting them into modelling at a young age is good But don't push them too hard. Basic expansions of what.why.when and where. Helps.

Give them the offcuts to mess with. And watch the creative mind at work.

Will follow along on your build. 


Regards Antony.



Best advice ever given to me."If you don't know ..Just ask.

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