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June 25





Victory over anchored French Squadron, under Admiral Joseph de la Barre, at Martinique by British fleet, under Rear-Admiral Sir John Harman. At least eight French ships were burnt and several more were sunk.


British squadron, under Cptn. Edward Peyton, engaged French fleet, under Comte de La Bourdonnais, in E. Indies.


John Jervis (later Earl of St Vincent) moved to HMS Severn (50) as a Midshipman


HMS Mars (64), Cptn. John Amherst, grounded and wrecked while going into harbour at Halifax NS.


HMS Dido (28), Cptn. George Henry Towry, and HMS Lowestoffe (32), Cptn. Robert Gambier Middleton, engaged Minerve (40) and Artemise (36).  Minerve was taken.


HMS Endymion (50), Cptn. Hon. Charles Paget, captured French corvetteBacchante (18), Lt. Vaisseau.


HMS Porcupine (22), Cptn. Hon. Henry Duncan, captured French letter of marque schooner Nouvelle Enterprise (6) south of Bastia.


HMS Cyane (22), Cptn. Thomas Staines, and HMS Espoir (18), Robert Mitford, engaged Ceres.


Capture of Hampton by boats of HMS Marlborough (74), Cptn. C. B. Ross, and squadron.

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1786 - Gavriil Pribylov discovers St. George Island of the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea.

1917 - Navy convoy of troopships carrying American Expeditionary Forces arrives in France.

1944 - United States Navy and Royal Navy ships bombard Cherbourg to support United States Army units engaged in the Battle of Cherbourg.

1950 - North Korea invades South Korea beginning Korean Conflict.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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June 26





HMS Fowey (44), Cptn. Francis William Drake, wrecked in the Gulf of Florida.


HMS Saint Lawrence lost, off Ingonish


HMS Seahorse (38), Cptn. Edward James Foote, captured French frigate Sensible(32) off the coast of Sicily


HMS Alcmene (32), Cptn. H. Digby, captured French privateer Conrageux (28), Jean Bernard, off the coast of Portugal.


Boats of HMS Port Mahon (18), Samuel Chambers, cut out Spanish letter of marque brig San Josef (7) from the harbour of Banes in Cuba.


Boats of HMS Standard (64), Cptn. Thomas Harvey, captured Italian gunboatVolpe and French dispatch boat Leger off Corfu.

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1884 - Congress authorizes commissioning of Naval Academy graduates as ensigns
1918 - Marine brigade captures Belleau Wood
1959 - The St. Lawrence Seaway has it's official opening when the Royal Yacht Britannia with The Queen representing Canada and US President Dwight D Eisenhower from the United States formally open The St. Lawrence Seaway, creating a navigational channel from the Atlantic Ocean to all the Great Lakes. The seaway, made up of a system of canals, locks, and dredged waterways, extends a distance of nearly 2,500 miles, from the Atlantic Ocean through the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Duluth, Minnesota, on Lake Superior.
1962 - NAVFAC Cape Hatteras makes first Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS) detection of a Soviet diesel submarine.
1973 - Navy Task Force 78 completes minesweeping of North Vietnamese ports.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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June 27



Spanish Armada arrives at Calais


HMS Inconstant (36) saved British residents at Leghorn.


Boats of HMS Loire (40), Cptn. Frederick Maitland, captured Venteux (10) at anchor under a shore battery in the Isle de Bas Roads.


HMS Guadaloupe (16), Joseph Swabey Tetley, engaged French Tactique (16) andGuepe (8) off the Cap de Creux.

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1813 - USS President anchors in Bergen, Norway

1905 - Battleship Potemkin uprising: sailors start a mutiny aboard the Battleship Potemkin, denouncing the crimes of autocracy, demanding liberty and an end to war.
1950 - To support U.N. call to assist South Korea, Truman authorizes U.S. naval and air operations south of 38th Parallel, Korea

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Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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June 28




Fireship attack on Spanish Armada


HMS Milford (32), Cptn. Peter Chamberlain, driven ashore and wrecked on the north west end of Cuba.


HMS Actaeon (28), Cptn. Christopher Atkins, part of a squadron under Commodore Sir Peter Parker, grounded taking up position to attack Fort Moultrie at the southern end of Sullivan's Island, Charleston, SC, and was set on fire when she could not be got off.


HMS Nymph (14) burnt by accident at Tortola


HMS Rose (28) wrecked on Rocky-Point, Jamaica.


Boats of HMS Mercury (28), Cptn. T Rogers, and HMS Corso (14), William Ricketts, captured pirate vessel Tigre (8) among the rocks of the Tremite Islands in the Adriatic.


HMS Goliath (74), Capt. C. Brisbane, captured Mignonne (16), Cptn. J. P. Bargeaud, and HMS Hercule (74) engaged Poursuivante (40) off San Domingo            


Boats of HMS Amphion (32), Cptn. William Hoste, and HMS Cerberus (32), Cptn Henry Whitby, and HMS ACTIVE (38), Cptn. James Alexander Gordon, took two forts and cut out 25 vessels from the harbour at Grao. 


HMS Firm Brig (12), Lt. John Little, grounded on a bank off the coast of France and set on fire to avoid capture..


USS Wasp (22), Cptn. Johnston Blakely, captures HMS Reindeer (18), William Manners (Killed in Action), in the Atlantic

HMS Leopard (50), wrecked near the Island of Anticosti, Gulf of St. Lawrence.


The Danish brig St. Croix, Lt Cmdr Peter C. Holm, on blockade in the Baltic, fights the Prussian paddle steamer Preussischer Adler, Commodore Schroeder, off Hela in the Bay of Danzig.


CSS Shenandoah captures 11 American whalers in one day

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1794 - Joshua Humphreys appointed master builder to build Navy ships at an annual salary of $2,000.

1904 – The SS Norge runs aground and sinks
1970 - USS James Madison (SSBN-627) completes conversion to Poseidon missile capability



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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June 29




HMS Renown (30) took French Guirlande (22)


HMS Pique (38), Cptn. David Milne, and HMS Jason captured Seine (42). They all grounded near Pointe de la Trenche and Pique was bilged so it was necessary to destroy her.


4 Danish gunboats, under Lt. Broder K. B. Wigelsen, took HMS Safeguard (14), Lt. Thomas England, off Randers fjord.

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1377 - French invasion fleet lands at Rye England.

1694 - Dutch fleet attacks French grain transports.

1807 – Russo-Turkish War: Admiral Dmitry Senyavin destroys the Ottoman fleet in the Battle of Athos.

1925 - Ships and men from 11th and 12th Naval Districts assist in relief after earthquake at Santa Barbara , CA.
1950 - Truman authorizes sea blockade of the Korean coast.
1950 - USS Juneau fires first naval shore bombardment of Korean Conflict.

1986 - Richard Branson on the 72 ft powerboat Virgin Challenger II smashes the world record for the fastest crossing of the Atlantic beating the previous record-holder, the SS United States, which has held the title since 1952 . Although Virgin Challenger II broke the record, the Hales' trustees refused to award the Blue Riband trophy because the boat did not have a commercial maritime purpose and had stopped to refuel.

2002 – Naval clashes between South Korea and North Korea lead to the death of six South Korean sailors and sinking of a North Korean vessel.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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June 30




Battle of Beachy Head. French fleet of 75 ships, under Comte de Tourville, defeated Anglo-Dutch fleet of 56 ships, under the Earl of Torrington. The Anglo-Dutch fleet lost 11 ships.


Richard Parker, President of the "Floating Republic" at the Nore, hanged aboard HMS Sandwich (98)


HMS Vanguard (74) Cptn. James Walker, and HMS Cumberland (74) captured French frigate Creole.


HMS Capelin Schooner (6), Lt. Josias Bray, wrecked on sunken rock off entrance of Brest Harbor.


USS Alligator schooner sank in Port Royal Sound during a heavy storm


USS Peacock, Cptn. Lewis Warrington,  takes HMS Nautilus, last action of the War of 1812 

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1900 - A major fire broke out on a Pier in New Jersey ( Pier 3 in Hoboken ) engulfing 4 German ships that were docked and spreading to over 27 ships before the fire was bought under control .  
1943 - Third Fleet Amphibious Force lands troops on Rendova Island while naval gunfire silences Japanese artillery
1951 - Naval Administration of Marianas ends



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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1782 - American privateers attack Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.
1800 - First convoy duty; USS Essex escorts convoy of merchant ships from East Indies to U.S.
1801 - U.S. squadron under Commodore Dale enters Mediterranean to strike Barbary Pirates.
1914 - Prohibition of alcohol begins in the Navy. :( 
1918 - USS Covington hit without warning by two torpedoes from German Submarine U-86 and sank the next day.
1933 - USS Constitution commences tour of principal U.S. seaports.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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The Battle at Kolberger Heide. Danish fleet of around 40 ships, divided into 3 squadron, under HM. Christian the IVth fights a Swedish fleet of 42 ships, under Admiral Klas Fleming. The King is wounded during the battle, and loses one eye.


Adam Duncan born in Lundie, Perthshire.


Sir John Jervis promoted to full Admiral


Naval Regulations passed by US Congress


First convoy duty; USS Essex escorts convoy of merchant ships from East Indies to U.S.


U.S. squadron under Commodore Dale enters Mediterranean to strike Barbary Pirates

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HMS Minerve (38), Cptn. Jahleel Brenton, grounded in a thick fog on the western point of the Corries of Cherbourg and captured.


HMS Dædalus (38), Cptn. Murray Maxwell, grounded off Island of Ceylon and sank after being refloated.


French frigate La Méduse, Cptn. Duroy de Chaumereys, wrecked on the Bank of Arguin, off the coast of Senegal.

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1839 – Twenty miles off the coast of Cuba, 53 rebelling African slaves led by Joseph Cinqué take over the slave ship Amistad.

1945 - USS Barb (SS-220) bombards Japanese installations on Kaihyo Island, Japan; first successful use of rockets against shore positions.
1946 - Establishment of VX-3 to evaluate adaptability of helicopters to naval purposes.
1950 - USS Juneau and 2 British ships sink 5 of 6 attacking North Korean torpedo boats and gunboats.
1967 - During Operation Bear Claw, Seventh Fleet Amphibious Force conducts helicopter assault 12 miles inland at Con Thien.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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HMS Dolphin (24), Cptn. Hon. John Byron and HMS Tamar (16), Cdr. Patrick Mouat, sailed on a voyage of discovery.


HMS Romney (50), Cptn. George Johnstone, took French Artois (38) off Cape Finisterre


HMS Melampus (36) and HMS Hebe (38), Cptn. Minchin, captured French Vésuve (4) off St. Malo.


Start of 3 day bombardment of Cadiz by British squadron under Nelson.


HMS Speedy (14), Lord Thomas Cochrane, captured by French squadron under Rear-Admiral Linois as it passed through the Straitsof Gibraltar.


HMS Cambrian (40), Cptn. John Poo Beresford, captured French privateer schooner Matilda (20)


HMS Raven, G. G. Lennock, drove 3 French brigs on shore near Flushing.


Storming and capture of Fiume by Rear Admiral Thomas Freemantle's squadron.


After the Chinese fired on an unarmed ships boat, batteries at Amoy silenced by HMS Blonde (46), Cptn. Thomas Bouchier.

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1767 - Pitcairn Island is discovered by Midshipman Robert Pitcairn on an expeditionary voyage commanded by Philip Carteret.

1898 - Battle of Santiago, Cuba, RADM Sampson's squadron destroys Spanish fleet

1940 - Following the German invasion and occupation of France, French warships fled to the port of Mers-el-Kebir in Algeria . Britain gave the french Vichi government the options of the following for it's French Navy
1. Join British naval forces in the fight against Germany,
2. Hand the ships over to British crews,
3. Disarm the French Navy Ships
4. Scuttle the ships
The French refused , So Britain fearing the French Ships would be used by the Germans to help with an invasion of England circled the port with British Warships and opened fire on the French fleet, killing 1,250 French sailors, damaging the battleship Dunkerque and destroying the Bretagne and the Provence.   
1950 - USS Valley Forge and HMS Triumph participate in first carrier action of Korean Conflict. VF-51 aircraft (Valley Forge) shoot down 2 North Korean aircraft. The action is first combat test of F9F Panther and AD Skyraider.

1952 - The SS United States sets sail on her maiden voyage to Southampton. During the voyage, the ship takes the Blue Riband away from the RMS Queen Mary.

1988 - United States Navy warship USS Vincennes shoots down Iran Air Flight 655 over the Persian Gulf, killing all 290 people aboard.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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Fire at Portsmouth Dockyard.


American Declaration of Independance.

[Fiction:-Horatio Hornblower born]


John Paul Jones hoists first Stars and Stripes flag on Ranger at Portsmouth, NH.


HMS Prudente (36), Cptn. Hon. William Waldegrave, and HMS Licome (32), Cptn. Hon. Thomas Cadogan, took and destroyed French frigate Capricieuse (32), Cptn. Le Breton de Eanzanne, off Cape Ortegal.


Boats of HMS Naiad (38), Cptn. James Wallis, cut out Providence.


Boats of HMS Unite (40), Cptn. Chamberlayne, captured St. François di Poale (8) from Port Hercole, then further along the coast, joined by HMS Cephalus (18), Augustus William Clifford, captured 3 merchant vessels.

27 Danish gunboats, under Lt. Jørgen C. de Falsen, attacks 4 British ships-of-the-line, 2 frigates and 2 brigs, escorting a large convoy, off the island of Hjelm. 4 gunboats are lost, while 1 British frigate and 17 merchant men are heavily damaged. 


Boats of HMS Attack (14), Lt. Richard Simmonds, captured a French transport galliot off Calais.


First US test of electrically operated underwater torpedo sinks gunboat Boxer

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1801 - First Presidential Review of U.S. Marine Band and Marines at the White House.
1831 - U.S. concludes indemnity treaty with France.
1842 - First test of electrically operated underwater torpedo sinks gunboat Boxer
1863 - Confederates surrender of Vicksburg, MS, gives Union control of Mississippi River.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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HMS Charles fireship (6), Edward Darley, burnt at St. Malo.


First day of the 3 day Battle of Çeşme. A Russian Fleet fleet of 9 ships of the line and other vessels under Alexei Grigoryevich Orlov found the Ottoman fleet of 16 ships of the line and other vessels under Mandalzade Hüsameddin Pasha anchored just north of Çeşme Bay, western Anatolia. Towards the end of the engagement an Ottoman ship of the line blew up after her main topsail caught fire and the fire quickly spread to other ships. Three fireships were sent in and almost the entire Ottoman fleet burnt. They lost 15 ships of the line, 6 frigates and many smaller vessels.


Danish attack a British convoy off Hielme Island but are repulsed  with the loss of 4 gun-boats and 120 men.


USS Peacock (22), Lewis Warrington, captures British Stranger, Venus, Adiona, and Fortitude in Irish Channel


Commodore Stephen Decatur's squadron arrives at Tripoli to collect reparations for seizure of American merchant ships in violation of Treaty of 1805.


A Loyalist Portuguese force, mainly commanded by British Officers under Admiral Charles Napier, of Rainha de Portugal (46), Commodore Wilkinson, Cptn. F. G. MacDonough, Dona Maria (42), Cptn. Peake, Dom Pedro (50) Cptn. Thomas Goble, Vila Flor (18), Cptn. Ruxton, Portuense (20), Cptn. Blackstone, and Faro (6) engaged of Cape St. Vincent a superior Miguelites force under Admiral Manuel António Marreiros of Nau Rainha (74), Cptn. Barradas, Dom João (74), Martinho de Freitas (50), Duquesa da Bragança (56), Isabel Maria (22), Princesa Real (24), Tejo (20), Sybille (20), Audaz (18), Activa (xebec) and several other brigs. The first 5 named Miguelites vessels were taken by boarding following which they changed their allegiance. This is regarded as the last major engagement to take place solely under sail

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1596 - English fleet under the earl of Essex plunder Cadiz.

1610 - John Guy set sail from Bristol with 39 other colonists for Newfoundland.

1832 - HMS Beagle and Charles Darwin depart Rio de Janeiro.

1859 - Captain N. C. Brooks discovers Midway Islands.

1924 -   The sidewheel paddle steamer ( Three Rivers ) burned to the waters edge with 350 passengers on board causing the loss of 8 and many more injured near cove point while bound for Baltimore.

1943 - U.S. invasion fleet of 96 ships sails to Sicily.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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Birth of John Paul Jones at Arbigland, Scotland.


British squadron under George Rodney bombarded Le Havre,


The Battle of Grenada. Engagement between British fleet of 21 ships of the line and 1 frigate, under Vice-Admiral John Byron, and French fleet of 25 ships of the line and several frigates, under Admiral Comte d'Estaing.


HMS Romney (50), Cptn. George Johnstone, took French Perle (18) off Cape Finisterre


The Battle of Negapatam. British fleet of 11 ships, under Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Hughes, engaged a French fleet of 11 ships, under the Bailli de Suffren, off the coast of India.


Action off Algeciras between British squadron of 6 ships of the line, under Rear-Admiral Sir James Saumarez, and French squadron of 3 ships of the line and a frigate, under Rear-Admiral Linois. HMS Hannibal (74), Cptn. Solomon Ferris, grounded and was taken.


HMS Raven (18) wrecked near Mazzara, Sicily coast.


HMS Seahorse (38), Cptn. John Stewart, captured Turkish Badere Zaffer (54), Scanderli Kichue Ali, and sankAlis Fezan (24)


HMS Bonne Citoyenne (20), William Mounsey, captured Furieuse (20).


HMS Dictator (64), Cptn. Stewart, HMS Calypso (18), Henry Weir, HMS Podargus (14), William Robilliard, and HMS Flamer (14), Lt. Thomas England, engaged and destroyed the Danish frigate Najaden (38), Cdr. Hans Peter Holm, and the brigs Lolland (20), and Kiel (18) and also engaged the brig Samso (18) in Lyngør harbor .


HMS Carron, John Furneaux, wrecked 4 miles to the north of the Black Pagoda, Poorie.

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1484 - Portuguese sea captain Diogo Cão finds the mouth of the Congo River.

1590 - English admiral Francis Drake takes Portuguese Forts at Taag.
1898 - Armed Auxiliary Dixie captures Spanish Three Bells, Pilgrim, and Greeman Castle.
1908 - CDR Robert Peary sails in Roosevelt from New York to explore Arctic.
1943 - Night Battle of Kula Gulf results in loss of 2 Japanese destroyers and USS Helena.
1976 - 1st women enter U.S. Naval Academy.

2011 - A boat travelling to Saudi Arabia that was carrying around 200 migrants caught on fire and sank in the Red Sea, killing 197 people. Officials stated that the passengers were likely to have been Somalis who were trying to flee the drought. Only three people were rescued.   



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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American frigates Hancock (32), Cptn. John Manley, and Boston (30), Cptn. Hector McNeil, were escorting their prize HMS Fox (28) to Boston. They were pursued by the British frigate HMS Rainbow (44), Cptn. Sir George Collier, who was joined by HMS Flora (32), Cptn. John Brisbane. The American ships steered different courses and Flora took Fox while Rainbow took Hancock. Cptn. McNeil was dismissed the American service for deserting Cptn. Manley.


HMS Quebec (32) and convoy engaged two French frigates.


US Congress rescinds treaties with France. Quasi War begins with Frigate Delaware capturing French privateerCroyable


HMS Comet (14), Thomas Leef, HMS Falcon (14), Henry Samuel Butt, HMS Wasp (16), J. Edwards, and HMSRosario (14), Cptn. Carthew, used as fireships in an attack on four French frigates in the Dunkirk Roads. HMSDart (28), Patrick Campbell, took Desiree (40) but the others escaped.


HMS Augustus Gunboat (3), Lt. James Scott, wrecked in the Sound, on the Hoe.


Boats of HMS Bellerophon (74), Cptn. Samuel Warren, HMS Implacable (74), Cptn. Thomas Byam Martin, HMS Melpomene (38), Cptn. Peter Parker, and HMS Prometheus (18), Thomas Forrest, took 6 and sank 1 out of 8 Russian gunboats under Percola Point at Aspo near Fredrikshamm. The 12 vessels laden with powder and provisions that they were protecting were also captured.


Start of 2 day campaign. HMS Boadicea (38), Cptn. Josias Rowley, and consorts took Isle of Bourbon.


HMS Guachapin Brig (10), Lt. Michael Jenkins, driven ashore on Rat Island during a hurricane at Antigua and bilged


Destruction of fortress at Farasina by HMS Eagle (74), Cptn. Charles Rowley, and landing party.


Commodore John D. Sloat lands at Monterey from USS Savannah and claims California for U.S.

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1798 - Congress rescinds treaties with France; Quasi War begins with Frigate Delaware capturing French privateer, Croyable.
1846 - Commodore John D. Sloat lands at Monterey and claims California for U.S.

1908 - Great White Fleet leaves San Francisco Bay.
1916 - Thomas A. Edison becomes head of Naval Consulting Board which screens inventions for use by the Navy.

1952 - The ocean liner SS United States passes Bishop's Rock on her maiden voyage, breaking the transatlantic speed record to become the fastest passenger ship in the world.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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HMS Maidstone (50), Cptn. Lord Keppel, chased an enemy ship in-shore off Belle Isle, ran aground and was wrecked,


HMS Experiment (20), Cptn. John Strachan, captured the French privateer Télémaque (20) off Alicante


British squadron under Cptn. John Byron defeats French squadron under Francois Chenard de La Giraudais in the Bay of Chaleur, Gulf of Saint Lawrence.


French fleet under Comte d'Estaing arrives at the mouth of the Delaware Bay and chases HMS Mermaid (28), Cptn. James Hawker, ashone on Assateague Island.


Start of campaign to capture Senegal by HMS Solebay (32), Commodore Edward Henry Columbine, HMS Derwent (18), Fred Parker (Killed in Action), and HMS Tigress (12), Lt. Robert Bones, and some smaller vessels.


HMS Exertion Gun-boat, Lt. James Murray, wrecked in the Elbe.


Commodore Matthew C. Perry sails his squadron into Tokyo Bay.

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1283 - Roger of Lauria, commanding the Aragonese fleet defeats an Angevin fleet sent to put down a rebellion on Malta in the Battle of Malta.

1497 - Vasco da Gama sets sail on the first direct European voyage to India.

1716 - The naval Battle of Dynekilen takes place.

1760 - Battle of Restigouche – British forces defeat French forces in last naval battle in New France.

1836 - HMS Beagle and Charles Darwin reach Saint-Helena.
1879 - USS Jeannette departs San Francisco to explore Arctic.

1898 - U.S. battle fleet under Admiral Dewey occupies Isla Grande at Manila.

1932 - The French Submarine Prominthee sank while doing testing maneuvers in Cherbourg Harbor taking 66 crew members to a depth of 130ft. 
1944 - Naval bombardment of Guam begins.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


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Lion (50) fought a severe action with the French ship Elizabeth (50) escorting the Doutelle.


HMS Dolphin (24), Cptn. John Byron, and HMS Tamar (16), Cdr. Patrick Mouat, returned from trip round the World.


HMS Ostrich (14), Cptn. Peter Rainier, took a French privateer (16) off Savannah Point.


Royal Visit to Portland Roads.


Start of 2 day Battle of Svensksund. A Swedish fleet of 176 ships, under King Gustav III and Carl Olof Cronstedt, defeated a Russian fleet of 135 ships, under Prince Charles of Nassau-Siegen.


Boats of HMS Sirius (36), Cptn. Samuel Pym, captured French privateer Edward (4)


Sailors and Marines from USS Portsmouth occupy and raise flag over San Francisco.

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