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Hello George,

First of all thank you very much for this construction report. I have this kit in my stash since many years. In fact I bought it bevore I returned to my old love: plastic model kits of old sailing ships. I loved it then and love it even more after seeing your built. You made something very convincing out of this little old treasure.

Have you ever researched what role model the Pyro designers had in 1966? Komb ketches were buit for about 150 years until 1830, the later ones having 3 masts. The pyro model still has a latin sail on the mizzen mast, which points to the time around 1700, while the design of the stern (Bounty style), in my opinion, points more to the middle of the 18th century.

And one more note: I am biased because I build waterline models myself. So I think the last pictures with the ship "in the water" are particulary good. Only the harbour wall to me seems a little to neat and clean.


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