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Hello Petr,

Good to hear that you still are working on the model, even if you are busy with more serious things like building a house for your son.


Sorry to hear about your problems with the planking. But it is better to adjust small mistakes in an early stage than later, because mistakes tend to grow while building.

About the gun ports: if you look at the building sequence in https://Witsenscheepsbouw.nl ( stage 12) you will see that the sides consist of the actual frames (or filling chocks where necessary) and that the upper and lower sills are added between them. Witsen gives no indication about the attitude of the sills. Blom chose for a tilting sill and I can agree with him, but apart from his reasoning there is no proof for it. So you can decide for yourself. The planking of the ship forms the outer frame of the gunport, about an inch from the actual aperture.


About your problem with the carvings at the doors of the forecastle: I warned you before that there are two versions of the drawings. One drawn by myself and one by the late Cor Emke, who reworked them with Autocad. This program however changed the lines of the hull and I advised you not to mix the two up. Anyway, you are right, there is no side view of the carvings. So you can make them however you like them. You can even let them out. They are not part of a shipbuilding rule, they are only decorations.


Good luck with your build. The shape of your hull looks great.




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