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In a similar vein as the question on Soviet Navy colors in WWII... Am also looking for the official colors used by the Royal Netherlands Navy.  Higgins built eight 70' sub chasers for the RNN (OJR1-6, H7, H8).  The first six were shipped in a very dark scheme to Soerabaja, where they were soon scuttled to avoid capture by the Japanese.  The other two boats were later shipped to the West Indies in a different scheme.  

70_20200513_0007 (2020_05_13 21_10_52 UTC).jpg

Copy (1) of md11 (2016_01_17 02_05_17 UTC) (2018_07_23 16_35_27 UTC) (2020_01_23 01_21_01 UTC).jpg

Copy (1) of RNN8HIGGINS (2016_01_17 02_05_17 UTC) (2018_07_23 16_35_27 UTC) (2020_01_23 01_21_01 UTC).jpg


I can't recall ever seeing a 'official' colourchart of the Dutch navy.

would be very interested when you find one.

I know that there was rather some variation, also the 'koloniale marine' used a different scheme from the 'nederlandse marine', and during the war most of the Dutch ships were attached to the English navy, and started using their colours. 

Even 'official paintings' show a wide variety (check all paintings of eg Java or De Ruyter) of colours.....




Triggered by your question I have been looking, but to no avail....

only black-white pics avaliable

Here: https://nimh-beeldbank.defensie.nl/foto-s/?fq[]=search_s_mediatype:"Foto's"&mode=gallery&view=horizontal&q=OJR&page=1&reverse=0

or (partly the same pics) here: https://www.maritiemdigitaal.nl/index.cfm?event=search.getsimplesearch&database=ChoiceMardig&needimages=true&searchterm=higginsboot&allfields=&title=&keyword=&creator=&collection=&shipname=&invno=&museum=&startrow=1


No colourpicsof course, and as these boats were bought of the shelf, even no drawings in the online archive. And as the all had a rather unheroic existence, no paintings or other info at all in the net.




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