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Good Evening. Got a hold of the Occre Titanic. At a very good price.

I wanted the 1/200 plastic, but no room if I ever got it done.

The hull planks are only .5 mm. I attempted using such thin strips before.

Total disaster. Weeks of work turn out horrible. It looked soso till I primed it.

But I did wind up with a lot of extra wood. lol. I’m at a loss. TBH, more like petrified

Any suggestions about how much thicker I might be able to go?

.5mm might work for a guy with skills I don’t have.

Aside from the flow of the hull, they seem too fragile.

I do use extra bulkheads when needed.

Think 1.5mm would be ok?


Thank you for any opinions or guidance.

  • Solution

You are building a model of a steel hulled vessel.  That means showing a beautifully executed planking job is silly and historically inaccurate.  Goop is your friend.  Durham’s Rock Hard Water Putty comes to mind.  Spread it on with a putty knife, let it harden and sand it down until you get a smooth hull.






If you go to the Scratch Build Logs, 1801-1850 you will find a build log for the American Ship of the Line, USS New York.  By his own admission, the builder uses the system for planking espoused by the American Comedian Larry the Cable Guy: Git er done!  It’s pretty rough.  He ends up, however, with a spectacular model.



11 hours ago, OllieS said:

The Occre hull planks are 2x5mm and the deck planking is .6x5mm

If you really did try to plank the hull with the deck planks that would end badly I would think.

Why yes, yes they are. Thank you.

Man, do I feel dumb. LOL

57 minutes ago, Roger Pellett said:



If you go to the Scratch Build Logs, 1801-1850 you will find a build log for the American Ship of the Line, USS New York.  By his own admission, the builder uses the system for planking espoused by the American Comedian Larry the Cable Guy: Git er done!  It’s pretty rough.  He ends up, however, with a spectacular model.



Thanks, I will ck it out. First I’m going to work on my reading comprehension.

Thank you.

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