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Just ordered the English Pinnace kit from Modelexpo (great deal at $34.99, think the sale is good for a few more days, code is Blues14).  The color scheme in the pictures is nice but about the only way you can make a kit like this a bit different from all the others like it is the paint.  My question is what colors would be appropriate for an 18th century pinnace?  The reccomended colors/decorations look like they would be for a very senior officer with a lot of money to spend on making his pinnace a show piece.  What about all the lesser officers with fewer personal resorces?  I would like to have a boat representative of the work a day craft likely to be carried by the average man of war.

My advice and comments are always worth what you paid for them.


I suspect that either a plain blue or black sheer strake would be appropriate.

Be sure to sign up for an epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series  http://trafalgar.tv

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