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TurboCad Mac printing line weights?

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Can anyone help me with how to make TurboCad print the line weights? They show up as expected on screen, but then all print at the same weight. Interestingly, if I change any line on screen from the default, even to a large thickness, it prints out even thinner than usual.




Edited by SJSoane
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I don't have TC Mac and could not reproduce your problem in TC19 for PC.  However, the TC forum seems to have a little bit on line widths not printing properly.  If I understand the chatter over there, it may have to do with your computer, the printer, default property settings, TC versions, and the tooth fairy.  


You might try  http://tcmacforum.imsisupport.com/ and ask your question there.  My experience has been good with the TC community.  If all else fails, I have called the company support folks and gotten pretty good response.  I know this isn't direct help, but it is what I think I would do next if no one else can come up with an answer on this forum.



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Thanks, Wayne, I'll look into these. 


So TC for the PC has a setting to choose how lines are printed/displayed, or it just happens automatically?


By the way, your drawings for HMS Euryalus are a source of inspiration for me as I move my Bellona drawings into CAD.


Best wishes,



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So with a little help from the TurboCad forum, I think I have determined that the line weights specified by mm will change their thickness in printing according to the scale of the print. For example, a .5mm line printed at a scale of 1"=1"  (full size) will print as .5mm. But if you print at 1/2"= 1", the same line will print as .25mm. So at a scale of 3/16", the mm lines at any size will print as the thinnest possible lines. Not what one would intuitively expect.


On the other hand, lines specified as 1, 2, 3 or 4 pixels, will print at that size no matter what the scale. So, I guess my palette is 1,2,3 or 4 pixels. It will probably work.


I hope this helps anyone else using TurboCad on the mac. And if you find a different way to use the mm line weights, please let me know!



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