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Looking for the best mini scroll saw for ship modeling work. Have to work on smaller budget for item something in 200 to 250 range


I bought an expensive scroll saw years ago and almost instantly discovered I didn't like it because of the up-and-down movement of the blade. I replaced it with a tabletop bandsaw (9" Delta in my case) and was much, much happier. Since the blade is always moving downward, it helps to keep the work on the surface of the table. Of course, with a bandsaw, you can't put the blade inside a hole in the work, but I just never have a need for that and if I did, I could saw it by hand. The bandsaw is great for sawing out frames or pretty much any other curved shape. You can also use it to resaw larger pieces of stock although I have a 14" bandsaw and a 10" table saw that work better for that. A Ryobi 9" bandsaw is $129 at Home Depot.


Cheers -


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