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During one of my wanderings around the world of old nautical and maritime books, I happened across this gem from 1669:

The mariner's magazine; or, Sturmy's mathematical and practical arts. Containing, the description and use of the scale of scales; it being a mathematical ruler, that resolves most mathematical conclusions: and likewise the making and use of the crostaff, quadrant, and the quadrat, nocturnals, and other most useful instruments for all artists and navigators ... By Capt. Samuel Sturmy


I have not been able to turn up much about Captain Sturmy, however it appears tha, while he died young, his compilation was well respected.  In it (and it will take a long time to download at 7o meg at Google Books) is a plethora of 17th century information ranging from astronomy to ordnance, and sections on floating a sunken vessel and measurement of tunnage.  Have only begun to explore this wonderful resource!




Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope.

Posted (edited)

Cool, thanks for the find. This is going to be interesting. Just dloaded it... 573 pgs? I am going to be busy.


Edited by Marcus Botanicus

Current Built: Zeehaen 1639, Dutch Fluit from Dutch explorer Abel J. Tasman


Unofficial motto of the VOC: "God is good, but trade is better"


Many people believe that Captain J. Cook discovered Australia in 1770. They tend to forget that Dutch mariner Willem Janszoon landed on Australia’s northern coast in 1606. Cook never even sighted the coast of Western Australia).

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