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Don Quixote

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Everything posted by Don Quixote

  1. Thank you very much. I can't even work and dare not drive. Next week I see a neurologist. Oh, and I darned tootin signed up!
  2. This is not abandoned. It's on hold until I get my tourette's under control. I blink and squint my so they are closed more than they are open.
  3. That's my next project. Please do a log so I can learn. You'll get a lot of recommendations and help. You can't possibly do worse than me! Add a link to the build in you tag line/profile so more people will find it.
  4. Yeah, but what's up with the upper picture where they are using the razor saw? Thanks for looking in, and the advice.
  5. The instructions say to make 2 cuts at an angle on the lower stern transom. They don't say how deep nor what the purpose is. I also don't see it on any other builds I've seen.
  6. I bought some rubber cement from Amazon, but couldn't get the cap off. I had some Velcro so I tried that but it was not stiff enough. Knee was not square. Got some more cement and did a much better job.
  7. I've seen a couple logs where there are a couple missing brass nails. I have all 16. Plus a spoon.
  8. Glad I found this. Reading the instructions for mine now and plan to start Friday 4/15/22. GREAT job!
  9. Are you still building this? I'm reading the instructions now and plan to start mine soon. Your log has a lot more details than some others.
  10. And we're off! Tried the Dory but simply could not get the stern straight. Hands shake too much I guess. I did a fairly good job on the Niagara until I got to the rigging, So I'm comfortable trying this.
  11. Welcome to MSW! Have you built a ship or boat before? Can't recommend starting with some Ship of the line. I did that and almost quit until I found https://modelshipworld.com/topic/13703-for-beginners-a-cautionary-tale/#comment-421943


    If you're building one you can post a log. Enjoy the site.

  12. 12 years ago I built my first ship, the Constitution by constructo. My wife got it for me for my birthday and I built it in my spare time while I was going to cooking school. This was before I found modelshipworld. Okay, I admit I knew nothing about planking and only tied the rigging rather than using the block and tackle. Anyway, I used Super glue and it lasted for 11 years until the wife got a kitten. Two days after we got her she knocked the ship off the shelf and totally obliterated it. The British should have used cats in the Second Battle. The wife would not allow me to hang it from the yardarm. Incidentally, the ship looked great in my not-so-humble opinion. All Things Considered.
  13. You did a great job repairing those gaps! Isn't there supposed to be a part that goes on the front of the bow yet? I haven't read the instructions for quite some time because I haven't been working on it lately but that seems like a sharp point.
  14. Please start a build log. You'll likely get more followers and support.
  15. No one has ever criticized the terrible work I have done.
  16. Sounds like you got out of there just in time, too.
  17. I took some rubber cement and glued some medium sandpaper to one side.
  18. The Admiral is doing MUCH better since my near loss of her, so I just might be able to get back to mine this weekend!
  19. I've used these in the past. As Tony the Tiger says, "They're great!" https://modelexpo-online.com/Enkay-44-Plastic-Spring-Clamp_p_1907.html
  20. That's my understanding too. I have a vice like that too. Glad I'll finally have an excuse to use it. GREAT JOB!
  21. One thing I learned here is that people don't like it when you don't complete a build. The Dowry is my 4th attempt and no one is interested. I've abandoned too many ships. Well, by George I'm no quitter! I have the next two in this series. After I finish the Dowry, I'm doing the NRG half hull to learn planking before going onto the next boat in the series.
  22. Dude, your attention to detail is amazing! I used toothpicks that I sanded down. Where did you get that square?
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