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Everything posted by Nenseth

  1. The geometry of this is breaking my mind right now... Would love to see a 3D render of this 🤔
  2. And the irony is that that's were I ordered my other wood from... Forgot the german word for boxwood (buchsbaum) 😲
  3. Had to stock up on more supplies. Anyone know where I can get sheets of boxwood (in europe to keep shipping down) ?
  4. Nothing is assembled yet. Anyone have some suggestions about how to temporarily fix the frames to the keel? So it is easier to sand the correct shape. Some kind of glue which can be 'unstuck' somehow later perhaps..?
  5. Working on the keelson and rabbet And sanding..... lots of sanding..!!
  6. Small update Built a slipway Needs some refining Got a new compound table for more precision
  7. Wow thanks for all your suggestions. Some of these books I`ve seen, some not. I will try to look into them all next week when my head clears of this cold I got. Thanks again Presently working on assembling more frames (all now cut) and the rabbet.
  8. A comparison of my La Belle at 1:36 scale and the 74-gun ship at 1:72 scale
  9. Just browsing through my collection. For some reason it looks to small 🤔 Any suggestions as to what is an essential book that is missing?
  10. Thanks for all the likes 😁 Roger, the monograph does indeed include line drawings of the vessel. I´ll see if I can dig up some clay druxey, it might help doing it that way. Thanks for the tip. And all the forward frames are done (roughly)
  11. Velkommen!! Er mye bra her, folk er gode på tilbakemeldinger og mange veldig bra bygglogger 👍 Mvh Hans Christian
  12. Life settled down abit and I´m back at it again. This is my first go at carving so I don´t have high hopes but it must be done 🤨 So far -Six frames done -One in assembly -Five others cut out Slow going but happy to start up again
  13. My work on La Belle have been on the back burner for a few years now, but reading your regular updates on La Créole is convincing me I have to make some time for this hobby again. Put work aside and meditate over ship construction is good for the soul. Love your craftsmanship!!
  14. Anybody see the mistake? I mixed up my 4mm and 5mm boards...(for those wondering, it should be 4mm) I`ll redo 5 of my frames
  15. All forward frames cut Now I just have to make them look decent
  16. Some people like the BIG scales 1:2 https://youtu.be/PmXK0gDNP_g
  17. Progress and limited workspace Six frames in the rough + two and a half cut
  18. Not a big update but at least it`s a start Frame 2F (and 1F and M)
  19. Sometimes life gets in the way of the fun stuff... But summer is soon over and the nights are getting longer.
  20. My bad, I meant $30 (or more) per book, which is still a lot of money for the comlete set. ----------------- $200 in just shipping, a bit steep HMN Swan Class Sloops 1767 - 1780 Volume I - Revised 1 x ($70 each + $30 each) = $100 Rigging a Sixth Rate Sloop of War 1767-1780 Volume IV - Revised and Expanded 1 x ($70 each + $30 each) = $100 BUILDING THE SWAN CLASS SLOOP PEGASUS 1777 Volume III 1 x ($65 each + $30 each) = $95 HMN Swan Class Sloops 1767 - 1780 Volume II - Revised 1 x ($70 each + $30 each) = $100 THE NAIAD FRIGATE (38) 1797 Volume II 1 x ($80 each + $50 each) = $130 The Naiad Frigate (38) 1797 Volume 1 1 x ($75 each + $30 each) = $105 _________ Total: $630
  21. Are any of these books available for sale in europe? Or for that matter, the books for The fully framed Model from Seawatchbooks?
  22. My monograph is at 1:36, I think an older version was at a different scale. You should start a build log so we can get some inspiration of each other
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