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Everything posted by Nenseth

  1. Just got the 1/72 scale plans and booklet in the mail today. I must say I love the publications from Ancre. Hope I have time to build this after my La Belle.
  2. How long did it take for you guys to get the disk after ordering? Been waiting two weeks and no word yet...
  3. The glue I´m using is Titebond III It´s realy good, but as you say Mike, I should use less of it... I´ll try some light sanding and see if that helps with the stains
  4. Working my way forward. These are the midship frame and 1F, 2F forward frames cut out A glue realated question... Any sugestions how to remove the glue stains?
  5. Wish I had more time to work on my ship... Still needing more fine tuning
  6. Midship frame under way. Time to find a way to sand everything down to the right size, got a dremel but not sure it´ll get everything nice and even
  7. Just bought the dvd using paypal. I will eagerly be waiting to see if all the chatter is right
  8. Getting the midship frame right is taking some time, but its fun work
  9. Everything ready Keel, stem and stern (in the ruff)
  10. Mike, thanks for the comment. It´s called birnbaum in german, and I love the texture and look of it
  11. Look what I got in the mail today Starting work on my keel and maybe the midship frame next week
  12. Got my proxxon scroll saw today It sure is smaller than i´d thought
  13. Just got confirmation that my pearwood has been sent from Germany. Internatioal money transfers are so painfully sloooowww.... Next week I´ll be ordering my Proxxon DS 230/e Scroll Saw. So in two weeks time the first cuts will be made
  14. This will be my first scratch build So after getting some books from ANCRE my choice fell on La Belle and the configuration it had under Cavellier de la Salle’s 1684 expedition. It is mentioned in Frölich's book as one of the easier ships for a beginner to scrach building. (We'll see about that...) Just order some pearwood from Arkowood, this will be the main building blocks for this model. I have some boxwood I'll use for carvings and decorations, later I'll order some ebony for wales, railings and blocks. In a couple of weeks (when my salary comes in) some Proxxon powertools are coming my way from germany. One of the big reasons for this picking this build is it's relativly nice size. Size of the model Length Width Height Hull 54 15 18 Model rigged 62 24 52 Links of interest: http://olivier.gatine.free.fr/modeles.html http://nautarch.tamu.edu/model/report1/ http://ancre.fr/en/monographies-en/30-monographie-de-la-belle-barque-1680.html
  15. They changed it back to ancre.fr Not sure why they changed it in the first place
  16. Now that they have this fine new site up and running, lets hope they have some plans to release more books!
  17. I´m currently also building Oseberg and thought you might find these links to pages about the reconstructed ship interesting. They are mostly in norwegian, but they got some good pictures of the ship and its construction https://www.facebook.com/osebergvikingskip http://sagaoseberg.no/ http://www.osebergvikingskip.no/index.php
  18. I´m currently also building Oseberg and thought you might find these links to pages about the reconstructed ship interesting. They are mostly in norwegian, but they got some good pictures of the ship and its construction https://www.facebook.com/osebergvikingskip http://sagaoseberg.no/ http://www.osebergvikingskip.no/index.php
  19. Got my monograph in the mail today Will read and study yours and Dick´s progress with even more interest now
  20. Found this website for Le Gros Ventre Some great pdf´s on how to scratch build this fine ship Italien site, but pdf´s in english
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