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  1. That template you made for the stern the 5 window. I have the model shipways kit. I would like to try this on mine.you said that you did it with c&c. I’m 73 so I can’t figure that out. And the scale is different. This ship is my second build.i still work to jobs so I want to plan the stern and what you did looks great.if you could explain how I can transfer that to my scale it would be great. Thank you for any help.
  2. Thank you for the replay, the thin sheets that are in the kit I can see using a small knife but I worry about splitting the sheet they are on. The thicker sheets are a challenge. Did you use a scroll saw? The real small pieces seem to small to try and cut without breaking. I think I will try and see I can handle them. It seems like other members and you did it. I also have Billings wasa and all the parts are printed on wood as the Norse love. So, thank you for the answer, Brickline
  3. How did you cut out all the small parts out? I have the same kit and want to start but cutting out the small parts seems quite a challenge. Any help would be great.
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