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Posts posted by Cristiano

  1. It seems effectively the Pola, probably you are right.


    The plane on the foredeck was used not for fight but for exploration of the operating zone of the ship (it was a pre-radar period).

    It was launched with a catapult and after its duty it was recovered and placed again on the catapult with a crane.

  2. Great maaaslo!

    Smart move using a scanned photo from a book!

    since it is not present directly in the web, now we are forced to use really the brain! ;)


    Google cannot anymore be the key factor for solving your puzzle!

    That the end of a lazy search with Google, using the brain in "stand-by mode"! :D

  3. A bit complex...

    In my opinion is a ship belonging to the scottish company R & J Craig of Glasgow.

    They owned a lot of four masted clippers.

    the problem is the name...

    maybe "County of Caithness" ?



    they were all hydentical!

    with the same colours!

  4. I am a little upset...

    this time my photo remained a mistery for just three hours! :(

    Yes, amateur, you're right.

    it was the most famous russian ship: the "Князь Потёмкин-Таврический"


    The mutiny of its crew has been considered a prelude of the russian revolution that happened some years after.

    The ship become a symbol of the revolution and consequently an apologetic nationalist movie based on it was made.


    Well, next time I will hit more hard and DIG MORE DEEPLY IN THE CEMETARY OF HISTORY! :)


  5. Hello Mike,

    I don't suggest to purchase the Blue Shadow, unless it is a real real bargain.


    I am currently making the Mamoli Halifax, which is a rather good kit, but it belong to the family of their old kit projects.

    The Blue Shadow is a rather new project and I think it is a kit developed just to put on the market something new.

    I didn't find any evidence that it existed and I am not convinced of the accessories provided, too.

    Generally the Mamoli kits seems (seems to me, of course) of average good overall quality only if they are old projects.

    The new projects seems not so good.

    Regarding the drawings and instructions, are not for a novice.

    The drawings are complete, but the instructions are few, so you must be defintely not a novice.

    If you are at your first experience with the wood models, try something more easy.

    I cannot make any suggestions, since in Italy the market is "crowded" by five kit Italians manufacturers, but I don't know which are the manufacturers currently available in your country.

  6. AARRRGh!

    ELETTRA yes!

    I provided too many hints!

    it is obvious that I am new to that game!


    Elettra, the floating laboratory of one of the radio inventors: Guglielmo Marconi.

    For Captainsteve: From that ship with a radio command he switched on the light in a Sydney exibition, far 22000 km.

    Well, one piece of that ship is exposed in Sidney now.

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