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  1. Congratulations Vitaliy, and on behalf of the Government of the Czech Republic you promoted to admiral. We hope that you build a lot of beautiful models... Best regard
  2. Than you very much Commander.. Best regards Tylmo
  3. Privet Commander, I want to ask you, if I can use part of your know-how in the production of your table saw ? Thank you in advance for your approval... Tylmo
  4. Hi Commander, thank you wery much for your "dokumentation" of the jig saw... Regards Tylmo
  5. ..maybe some competition?... ahoj Tylmo
  6. Hi Vitaliy, what do you do with that model until you finish it...? Best regards Tylmo
  7. Dear anja,Gorward, thanks for undestanding... Tylmo
  8. Hi script, I understand, that you have more importat worries... Best regards Tylmo
  9. I apologize all, I used Russian as her cope than English.. Tylmo
  10. Hi Garward, I understand and agree... Tylmo
  11. Zdravstvuy Garward, ya nadeyus, chto tebe ne budet vozrazsat esli pishu po russkom. Tvoya rabota mne ochen nravitsya, ona akkuratnaya. Ty tozse khoroshiy mashinostoitelnyy inzsener. Ya khotel sdelat sebe dlya tvoey postupky nekotorie mashiny , cirkulyarnuyu pilu, no k sozselaniyu vsye kartinky poteryalis odinakogo kak i prochee...Mnogie postupky poteryalis, k sozselaniyu. Eta "perestroyka" sayta ne udalos.... Privet Tylmo
  12. Hi Jim, pity the lost photos, I thought it had been lost due to the re-built web site the Model ship world... Regards Tylmo
  13. Hi Skript, where are your previous pictures? I wanted to also build them according to the model.... Tylmo
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