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Everything posted by 3qq

  1. current studies and pics.
  2. Dear MSW family. I would ask your valuable contribution.
  3. Dear MSW family. I would ask your valuable contribution.
  4. Mr. Luca gentleman. I'm very envious. Congratulations. Take it easy ...
  5. Burada iyi iş Merhaba ... Ben bir Cutty Sark olması gerektiğini düşünüyorum ...
  6. Buğra çok sağ ol kardeşim benim ben seni farkettim ama rahatsız etmek istemedim. sağlıcakla kal öneri ve eleştirilerini beklerim...
  7. Mr. Buğra is very right, my brother, but I noticed you did not want to bother. health... Mr. Grant is very right, my brother, but I noticed you did not want to bother. health...
  8. My friend Nenad gentleman. I am grateful to you for encouragement and very sad sometimes gets stuck in my head. It must be love ... Now also very nice sharing. "In politics stupidity is not a handicap." Napoleon BONAPARTE
  9. Dun zeki, yuzden Dünyayi değiştirmek İstedim. Bugün görüştü Akıllı Değilim, o yuzden kendimi Değişen duyuyorum. RUMİ. My Cutty Sark to be used during the construction of the pier and I'm preparing platform. Patience and care for my partner and my friend can not asirg online support Mr. Nenad and Mr Kazim GÜRHAN is missing on the right may be. Thank you to everyone I wish you all the best and beautiful model.
  10. NENAD BEY Yes, I want to make a valuable model. Campbell had to find plans. British National Maritime Museum can order them. (I'll think about it.) Mr. Kazim Gürhan still have confidence in the drawing. Can cause a lot of differences (One detail - available Cutty Sark in Greenwich has four windows on each side only). (I'm surprised it's true). Plans as I can see, the windows aft springs're all together. (Yes, there's a queue at the stern addition to the construction phase). Again, I thank you very much .. I'm watching you and I enjoy very tight.
  11. Valuable model lovers go step by step. I expect your contributions and comments from yours truly ...
  12. 1/75 if: Full length: 113.8 cm. Body length: 86.3 cm
  13. I'm more experienced than me, I decided to get help from a name. Mr. Kazim GÜRHAN( http://www.modelteknikleri.com/surat-motorlari-ve-motoryatlar/8403-bir-model-hikayesi-speedfish-600-a.html ) after this work were met. Although we are a one of us on line 600 miles away, we are in contact with msn second time you have me. My model 1/100 while the British and Italian models and plans have been drawn again from yours truly ... Actual boat dimensions: Full-size ..... 85.34 m. Body length ...... 64.74 m. 1/75 if: Full length: 113.8 cm. Body length: 86.3 cm
  14. Nenad guys make it right. That's very kind of you. I do not ever executed. . . .'ll Try to be nice. Would be glad if you tell my flaws. Already'd consider sharing and alerts. I wish you good model.
  15. benim cutty sark çok amatörcedir .... ustalara bakarak yapmaya çalışıyorum saygılarımla -öneriler ve eleştirilerinizi bekler . herkese saygılarımı sunarım..doğan
  16. Mr. Nenad gentleman. You will cheat awhile. Excuse me anymore. Very patient and we're under the influence with fine craftsmanship.
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