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About dewalt57

  • Birthday 01/31/1947

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  • Location
    No Hope, Alabama, USA
  • Interests
    Cnc wood mill, computers, model ship building, wood working..... etc.

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  1. "DITTO" on the Elmers yellow glue, fast dry time and permanent glue job, rubber contact cement glue can have a limited life span and come apart down the road with time. Works for me! AL
  2. No on the pickling, just a 10 min soak in Perma Blue which is probably the wrong stuff to use for this but since I had it figured I'd try it. The Perma Blue gives it a corroded rough look but doesn't turn it black. AL
  3. Only one problem with that Ray........ the eyelets are soft soldered (low heat) to close the loop!!! Thanks for thinking on it!! Me thinks this wire is not pure copper, it must be tin coated or something like that, it solders well enough but doesn't take to chemical baths too well it seems. I'm going with what I've got for now with paint on it. AL
  4. Thanks Joe!!! Giving em my best shot..... LOL I'll be glad when they are finished so I can start on the hull parts again which means I get to fire up the CNC wood mill again to make parts!! AL
  5. Hey Ray!!! Great to hear from you also!! Yes, I'm still working in the shipyard, haven't given up yet.... LOL Just doing a lot of thinking on ways to deal with each new build session as it comes along. Making very slow progress at it due to back pain problems but making some headway on this ship cross section. Working now on getting these eyelets painted and inserted into the cannon frames, one at a time while trying not to chip the flat black paint off the eyelets as I push them in the tiny holes I've drilled. So far I'm not 100% happy with the results, very hard to not chip the paint as you can see in these close up pictures. Yes.... I've thought of the gun blueing liquid and tried it but not happy with it either, not dark enough on this wire I'm using. I'll more then likely just do some touch up with a paint brush where I nicked the paint. AL
  6. Made a little progress on the fine tuning of the cannons. I didn't have any solid wire in my wire collection but was in Walmart one day and found some 16ga. wire in the craft area.... it works great, solders good. AL
  7. Great work Ray!! I'm happy for your success at completing your Cross Section!! I'll be watching for your next build to start! AL
  8. Well.... Thank You Pete38!!!!!! The cnc machine is just another tool to me, there are things that are still best done the old fashion way... AL
  9. Thanks Tim! Its a shame her flagships is not an old Ford Woody!! A wood van..... I might be able to cnc some parts for but not this steel bucket... LOL Got a little more done on the cannon carriages, added another part to em. AL
  10. Ray......I'm still here in the shipyard , just got the Admiral's new flagship to fix up for her, so its going to be slow motion work on the cross section for awhile! AL
  11. Finally got those last 3 cannons painted!!! Been working on the Admirals newly acquired used flagship ( 1995 Ford Aerostar mini van ) and had to sneak in the paint job while taking a break from it.... LOL She says I've done such a nice job on her flagship that I may get a promotion out of it..... LOL
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