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About daveat22

  • Birthday 07/26/1941

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  • Location
    Peak District, England
  • Interests
    Architecture, Photography

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  1. Well thanks guys that is brilliant advice and answers all my questions. Vivian set my mind working so I did my research and busbars or bus wires on each deck, with as many low brightness led's taken off as felt necessary. The tiny led's are very cheap and consume little current and batteries could then be used, although I have only found a flicker unit that works with mains voltage. Tiny lanterns are available that take led's, so they could hang on the decks and in the cabins. All this wiring preparation needs to be included at bulkhead stage before planking, and a brass gromet included in the planking for the feed wire. I am still looking for a wireless switch that will work with batteries, they seem to be more readily available for mains current. All exciting stuff will get my order in for Agamemnon now, just finishing the display case for Victory, the glass costs as much as the kit!
  2. Thanks Testazyk for that info, for the Victory I made my own base and supports in half inch oak (!2mm) so if I do the same for the Agamamnon I can drill a hole through and put the mains transformer under the base, it sits on little feet so there is ventilation. I did consider doing all of this for the Victory, but I couldn't gain access after building to get them in, and the cabin windows are not clear. We have fond memories of Auckland as our son lives in Wellington so we pass through yearly.
  3. Thanks Hornet for that guidance note.
  4. mike Ah, the twelve years was because I was running my own practice and working long hours, and I was also daunted when confronted by the rigging diagram, but I overcame that fear. I am now retired and I would guess closer to two years for a build programme? Incidentally, there will no doubt be progress in lighting in those two years but tiny lights are available now, in fact I have just come across a tiny brass lantern with an led inside. One could even have an led inside the stove. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement guys there clearly isn't a gut negative reaction to lights in model boats.
  5. Grant Yes I did a search first, in fact this was the reason for joining the forum, Having joined I have been in awe at some of the detail and skill in the build logs, I was pleased with my Victory until I saw the incredible detail some of you guys put in. Randy yes it is a bit early but the wiring and lamps would need to go in before planking, the wires would need to thread between the bulkheads to critical areas to illuminate the cabins and through chosen gun ports, so I would need the bits fairly early. Glimpses of light coming up the stairs would be great as well. In a room with lighting levels suitable for television, or drinking wine with friends, the effect of flickering oil lamps inside the boat would be brilliant. My ceiling is 15 feet high so I could hang the boat from the ceiling just above head height, but the dust problem negates that idea. Incidentally my family name is Slade and when young my father passed on that we are descended from Sir Thomas Slade the architect of Victory and Agamemnon, so I feel a responsibility to have examples of these ships in the house, and the idea of internal illumination just puts the icing on the cake.
  6. I am just finishing HMS Victory by Corel which has taken me about twelve years due to giving up when it came to the rigging. I am now building a cabinet with four sets of led strip lights, to keep the dust off and I am yet to decide whether to put sails on or not. However, my question relates to my next kit which I am favouring HMS Agamemnon by Caldercraft. I am tempted to include lights within the model, so this would need to be included at an early stage, and when I say lights I appreciate that the lights would have been oil lamps, so only glimmers of lights, but with led this would be possible, perhaps in the captains cabin and between decks. There does not appear to be any discussions on lights, so is it considered too corny to be included?
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