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le débutant

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Everything posted by le débutant

  1. I am building the same boat,and i hope to do half of your and i will be satisfied. Fantastic job,in french we said BRAVO,i am missing word to describe.
  2. I had to send,and shim a total of four frame,and as i build before installing the plate i check the curve inward or outward and fix before glue.
  3. I have to admit it is the same. To prevent any undesired curve i file and shim some frame as i build.
  4. Sorry for the late info. Yes i have moved forward with the build,first the frame #7 did not sit level compare to the mane frame,and also when i glue the frame 32 did not sit to is place as i glue it. So i had to correct the too mistake. Then page 8 of the build,the planking of the first floor request to start at frame 17 and finish at frame 21,but on picture show between 20 to 24,to correct this error i did plank a bit longer than the request and install temporary the next floor to find the exact position. I also start to plate the lower part of the stern forecastle,and plate the hull, and cut out the gun port doors. The problem with the gun port is to respect the distance given between each one (30mm) I will put some picture later.
  5. I believe also looking at other build. I am still looking for some picture of the original for the color of the boat,the only one available is all black.
  6. All frame are glue,making sure 90 degree on both plan are respected. Eight stern collars are installed,the picture given is not accurate. The bow is installed,the two parts #38and #39 are not cut for this boat,to long and the slot are to small, but everything is modified for the fit. .
  7. Today i build or put in place the frame,not glue and tried to fit the floor,front part no problem, rear part yes first problem. I come to the conclusion that those parts are not the one for the boat.#38and #39 from 7A board.(as per instruction manual) First the parts are to long and the opening for the frame are .257in. when all the oder floor the opening are .328 average.
  8. It's done,at this time i d'ont have any problem on parts or the build. The only dark cloud is ,one sheet of error to correct. The picture on that sheet is non visible.
  9. First picture. I build the keel the 3 parts together on a piece of wood to make sure the keel is straight. Good result. Then i build frame #7 making sure as the instruction manual for the 90D of all parts. Next step, 7 and 13 frame gets in but a little sending was necessary to fit,(but not glue up to now)
  10. I was ready to start.but i decided to empty the box first and i found out a corrective paper. Now all wood are properly number. Yes some picture will come.
  11. Welcome every body. Finally i am there. Tree build up to now,to build some experience and skill,for this project. I am glad to start the Santa Ana. I open the box this morning,to check all parts,fitting,wood,and instruction. I have to admit the instruction manuel is fantastic minimum tree picture per page,and plan are well done. The cut for parts is also good,i just hope the enthusiasm of first view will continue. So now first step after counting parts,is to number them and separate them from the form. I will come back with some picture later. P.S If i am doing something wrong feel free to help me. Thanks to all.
  12. I wich for my next build to look half of your and i will be satisfied. Fantastic job.Bravo.
  13. Very nice work. I am interested to no wich product you use for getting a nice wood like that.(for your keel,the name please)
  14. Thanks, yes i will start a log,but before i have to complete my creole queen. I hope this one will be completed by december,or before. I also look at the kit and like you said the cut of the wood is the best i ever see.
  15. Same for me,i just buy the kit,and hope to start before december.
  16. Tanks for the good word.
  17. i am so glad,today a made the jump, i by this kit as the next build. My creole queen is moving forward and i was looking for my next build for the last few month, and now the kit is home with me. I was unable to resist to open the box. My first impression is,watt a kit,my last 3 kit were badly cut on the wood,this one the wood is very thick and just playing with the piece by pressure those one release from the wood. I will take time to check all parts and see if everything are included.
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