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    Rich.F got a reaction from oscarmate in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Greetings All, Thank you every one for dropping by, Leaving a comment,some advice or a like, 
    Schnu, Yes the hull will be painter and the copper plates added all 4500 of them give or take.
    Sam, Your So right
    I Have finished lining the gun ports, filled sanded and painted, I happy with it atm, Might need a bit of fine tuning when I paint the Hull, Im Going to this afternoon Line the inner gun port walls so i can paint the rest of the gun ports and paint the hull.

  2. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from oscarmate in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    HI All, Sorry about the lack of updates, Thank you all for a stopping by looking commenting and/or liking, Very much appreciated.;
    I have planking the upper deck  ( not yet at a stage im happy with, needed sanding and  weathering
     I have planked up the starboard side above the gun ports im now happy with it, I put the inner patterns in with a strip of 1x4mm in to give my edge, the cannons  fit very nice like this, i still dont understand why the patterns are out...
    Ill up date soon,

  3. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from maddog33 in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 
    After taking the Advice from David  & Glen, (thanks again)

    As you can see the pencil line I carefully cut and sanded this off, it fits great now, I still have other side so to.

    I did make a cannon,( not fully glued as i there are a few things i want to do, but just to prove its now at the right hight. (There is not decking under the cannon, I had removed it,so it will be a few mm higher.
    Will work on the rest for the next week or so

  4. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from maddog33 in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    I Have finish planking the 2nd layer of the hull, I have cut the the upper Gun Deck in two has I had a problem dry fitting. I found it was about 2mm to big i have sanded it now it fits.
    NOW! I do have a problem and need advice, The inner Bulwalk  is out of alignment, Suggestions please. 

  5. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from maddog33 in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Hello All,
    Just a Small up date 2nd planking of the hull is coming alone, not to bad, TBH, not as good as it could have been,Done half of the starboard side and finished up on the port side.  
    week or two more and this bit should be done,

  6. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from src in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Thank you every one for dropping by, Leaving a comment advice or a like.
    HI, will It took only 15 minutes to get the tiles off, sad moment but oh well. I;m Re ready and re primed the hull for after my Holiday to the US, 
    The Book that i was informed off "Anatomy of Victory"  should arrive Monday so ill have read of this next week..

  7. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from JPett in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    After almost 8 hours solid today I have achieved a good amount of tiles Rather Happy with the look so far.
    Goes anyone know how to shine them?

  8. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from justsayrow in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Thank you every one for dropping by, Leaving a comment advice or a like.
    HI, will It took only 15 minutes to get the tiles off, sad moment but oh well. I;m Re ready and re primed the hull for after my Holiday to the US, 
    The Book that i was informed off "Anatomy of Victory"  should arrive Monday so ill have read of this next week..

  9. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from maddog33 in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    I have stared the 2nd planking, looks like a good start so far, I think I started at the right place,

  10. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from maddog33 in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Just a small update,  I have been reading the manuals, and looking at other build logs to get a idea of whats next on the to do list..
    The Lower deck planking between 4 & 12 bulk head, I wanted to make sure that every plank will be the same, (although i'm guessing this part will not really be seen) so I'm going to use this time and space to try out a few/new ideas,  I,m going to try tree nails 
    I made a little jig to cut the 80 mm deck lengths (if this is wrong size please let me know) also made an extra bit if I have the need for 40 mm (half) and then after we had been shopping, a nap and lunch, Lol, I thought of a jig for the tree nails,
    I'm happy how this has turned out, and how the few planks I have glued in look, (Will edit picture of this in a few days)

  11. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from maddog33 in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Hi All,
    Im happy how the Quarter Gallery's have came out, 

  12. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from maddog33 in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Just for fun.
    My help has arrived.... the others are already on a tea break..
    MY kids got them for me...

  13. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from maddog33 in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    HI David
    Thanks for the info, I think from the pictures you provided they don't slant, as much as i think. ill dry fit these over the next day or so. (( If you dont mind leave the post)( Might need to refer to it again, and may be others)..
  14. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from maddog33 in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Hello All, 
    I have finished the first layer of the hull, filled and sanded, came out not bad tbh, Might add a little bit of filler around the Bow.
    all though i was adding 2 per side per day,, the last few was 3  due to the small size, a
    any ways this task was done..

  15. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from maddog33 in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Although the great build is on track and time, we have ordered new hands to help from far, they should arrive in a a week or so :-
    Plank layer one is a working progress,, we are managing two planks per side, per day,.  

  16. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from dgbot in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Thanks to all, for popping on and taking a look at my build.
    >/    Not much going on slow progress,
    I Have completed a painful Gun port pattern strips on both sides,,, Next, first layer of planking  to start soon,

  17. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from dgbot in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    HI All,
    Sam Thanks Very much, last 5 months with is just sat here i have itchy fingers
    Brian, That's er yes, a problem, Hence I had to build the conservatory :s
    Lawrence. Im also glad, after so long of it just sat there,  
    Al ready I have sat here while on lunch breaks reading the PDF copy of the manual, A few things to get head round,  but thats week/months away..
    Weekend been a little busy already, While im on call (Covering) Work has been busy, 

  18. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from maddog33 in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    So, the 3rd of April 2014, Arrive and the start of the construction HMS-V-001, HMS Victory.
    I have only made a small start and already want to stay up all night.(Both me and my Son) a little shocked at the size..

  19. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from dgbot in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Over the last few weeks I have been making a few of the small boats, Barge + Cutter due to my building works.
    These have been a little tough, due to the size, the planking was painful, more so the amount of time my fingers need to be cut off,, oops.

  20. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from JLuebbert in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    We all know the same story of the History Lord Nelson and HMS Victory.
    This Ship kit was not chosen because of the large amount of currant builds, but because of the pure beauty of the ship, and the fact it’s in my home town.
    I’ll will start this log with the prayer.
    May the great God, whom I worship, grant to my country and for the benefit of Europe in general, a great and glorious victory: and may no misconduct, in any one, tarnish it: and may humanity after victory be the predominant feature in the British fleet.
    For myself individually, I commit my life to Him who made me and may His blessing light upon my endeavours for serving my country faithfully.
    To Him I resign myself and the just cause which is entrusted to me to defend.
    Amen. Amen. Amen.
    And so the Log begins:.
    Mach 26th 2014.the order was given to start the biggest ship ever constructed.
    Length: 1385mm 
    Width:   525mm 
    Height   940mm 
    Weight  0.015 tonnes
    Armament    100 guns:
    ·         Gundeck: 28 × 42 pdrs
    ·         Middle gundeck: 28 × 24 pdrs
    ·         Upper gundeck: 28 × 12 pdrs
    ·         Quarterdeck: 12 × 6 pdrs
    ·         Forecastle: 4 × 6 pdrs
    Cost approximate £750.00 Stirling  
    Approximately 6000 branches are required and should arrive and arrive at dry dock Ten in Portsmouth on the 3rd of April 2014 

  21. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from Harvey in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    After almost 8 hours solid today I have achieved a good amount of tiles Rather Happy with the look so far.
    Goes anyone know how to shine them?

  22. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from Aussie048 in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    After almost 8 hours solid today I have achieved a good amount of tiles Rather Happy with the look so far.
    Goes anyone know how to shine them?

  23. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from foxy in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    No Sam, Im trying to beat
    Your record
  24. Like
    Rich.F reacted to gil middleton in HMS Victory by gil middleton - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    Completing the bowsprit.  The jib boom passes through the round hole in the cap.  The flying jib boom base is beveled to fit the forward face of the cap.

    The flying jib boom is supported by the jib boom.

    Much later, netting was added. (Details of the netting are shown on page 3)

    The bow sprit cap seen on the real ship.

    And on the model.

    I hope this makes sense of the original photographs.
    Cheers, Gil
  25. Like
    Rich.F reacted to Jerry in HMS VICTORY by Jerry - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1:72 - 1805 version   
    Hello Everyone...
    Just a quick note that I have made a little progress on the ship's boats.  I have finished the first planking of the Launch and have washed it down with diluted Elmers cement.  It has been sanded and is ready for the second planking.  To be continued when I return from my trip to California and New York State.  Some photos attached.
    Best to everyone,

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