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Posts posted by robert1965

  1. Robert your build log is great ! Visually their is some top notch photos in your log that have already answered some of my questions with this build. Now if I could just understand what "Is dit de juiste manier om de ra te bevestigen?" ment or be able to read any of your log I would be set.


    Eric I have ask the question  if this is the right way of attaching the (Yards?) i dont know the english word.

    So I attached the Yards to the vessel.

  2. I will have to check out that tool Edwin, thanks for telling me about it.


    Small update...my morope order arrived yesterday...wow got it in 3 days so was impressed.

    Problem...what AL calls .25 mm is NOT what morope calls .25. The Morope stuff is 1/2 the diameter of the kit provided string. However, I do like the looks of the stuff from Morope.

    I placed a new order immediately for rope in the correct size, or should I say in the AL size. I figure I will have plenty of uses for the other rope in other builds.

    So, now, just waiting for the new order to come in, then I can begin the rework of all the rigging.

    Hello Robbyn


    Here is a tip to measure the diameter of the rope.


    Wrap the rope 10 times to get a screwdriver and share this by 10 and you have the correct diameter.



  3. Futtock staves???? My kit has no staves??


    Okay, took a look at my worthless rigging plans. OMG even the plans are not to scale at all. By the plans, they have nice even ratlines from the bottom of the shroud to the top, all evenly spaced, and gee theirs stop just below the crow's nest, by all accounts exactly 6 mm below the nest. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, yeah right!!


    I only have a couple of "strings" that attach to the outer shroud lines and go up to the upper standing rigging. Seems my deadeyes for the rigging above will all be attached to the crows nest on the fore and mainmast, and there is no other rigging on the mizzen,


    So yes, once again I will eyeball it, and take the ratlines up to where I can and just be happy with it.


    I forgot about that tip of doing every 4th....so far, so good, no hourglass shape, but I can start doing the 4ths now.


    Things on this model seem a bit off anyway, and the quality of the thread is crap, so I think I will just run the ratlines all the way across. I know I could cut them off (the ones I have done) but I hate to change anything now that might disrupt my tension and spacing. If I left the outer shroud lines out for the bottom 6 and top 6, I would only have about 6 rows that go all the way across. I will however change the direction of the knots on the outers...I think that will look better!


    Thanks for everyones kind words and input.


    Shaun, find a noobs log like mine, pair that with a builder who is not afraid to look like a blonde and ask questions...and wow, you get an awesome tutorial!!!

    Hello Robbyn,


    I hope you mean this.


    I made it in this way, see the pictures.







  4. Is that your build robert? have you gotten a log up yet and I'm missing it? one must keep up on one's SF logs, especially if considering one in the future. Either way I hate the AL kit but love the Ship and after seeing her bashed a bit, I know I'll one day be building her. Its just a shame so much must be replaced. If its not up, we'd love to see it.


    Yes it is my build, the ship is not finished yet.

    I am rigging the ship right now.


    There is no build log of this ship on MSW, I have already 2 build logs on 2 dutch forums.

    The reason that I have not build log on this forum that my  English is very poor. :mellow:  :mellow:  :mellow: 



    Maybe you have something to build my report in the Netherlands.
    Here are a lot of photo's of my San Francisco 2, I'm a little further with the construction of the ship and maybe you can still use tips.
  5. Hello Robbyn.


    You make great progress already with the ship


    Maybe you have something to build my report in the Netherlands.

    Here are a lot of photo's of my San Francisco 2, I'm a little further with the construction of the ship and maybe you can still use tips.


    I also have many building reports viewed on this forum but are unfortunately all gone.  :(




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