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Everything posted by BIGMAC

  1. Hi Gahm...E X C E L L E N T build!!!!!!! I have the kit and it is prop my next one. Being in the study phase, I wonder if you know whats the use of the quarter galleries, since there is no space behind them on the deck, or any kind of door at least. Thanks for your time. Mike.
  2. Concerning the MODELSHIPWAYS US Brig SYREN..... In the rear part o f the ship, there are some windows. Since there is no covered deck behind them, does anybody in the CSI-MSW, know whats their use? I am sure someone knows...Thanks in advance, Mike
  3. Great stuff Druxey!!!! manymany thanks!!!!
  4. agreed!!!! even if the angles are 90, it is still a parallelogram.....
  5. Thanks Jaager....I got what u mean. Just to add here that the exact is "'A Parallelogram is a flat shape with opposite sides parallel and equal in length."' which means that squares and rectangles are Parallelograms too. A parallelogram where all angles are right angles is a rectangle.
  6. Hi Druxey...do you happen to have a close-up drawing of this??
  7. Hi Jag....Saying parallelograms, you mean Diamond shaped as in case C?
  8. Hi dafi.......its about a late 18th century Mediterranean Brig
  9. Thanks Spy .......and !!!!! I have exactly the same question- how do the hinges work!!!!!! I was thinking, maybe the upper side remains parallel to the waterline and the lower side is inclined...maybe
  10. Thanks Druxey.... So you say C is the correct one?
  11. Not sure which one of B, C or D is correct.... A...Deck line parallel to water line...Ok, thats easy. Just a square. In cases B, C and D, the deck line not parallel to W.L. B is like A....the left and right sides vertical to the Water Line, up and down parallel to the W.L. C has left and right sides vertical to the Water Line, up and down parallel to the Deck....Not a square. No right angles. D is a square with left and right sides "vertical" to the Deck Line, up and down "parallel" to the Deck Line. Think D is the correct one, not sure though........ Any Advice pls? Thanks, Mike.
  12. Hi there Big, and good luck with your project.....Is this a scratch or a kit? what scale? ...and if it is a kit, which one please? Thanks!!!!
  13. many thanks Thanasis......one would expect to be widely used, even in present day, in the Mediterranean area, but I dont recall to have seen it anywhere.
  14. thanks Gerard, great piece of info!!!!
  15. Think so too. seems practical and logical I guess...
  16. Many thanks Wayne for your time.....and excellent references!!!!
  17. Thats right Pat and I thank everybody for their thoughts and time.......BUT, nobody answer my second question .....(Furthermore, the curvature of the spars/yards was "build in" or they were very flexible and it was due to the force of the wind?)..... Mike.
  18. 2 quick ones Gerard......1) is there a name for these objects?.......2) do you think that, as an alternative, they maybe use a wooden ball-shaped part, instead of sheepskin? Thanks and Regards Mike
  19. Great!!!!! Many thanks Gerard!!!!
  20. On the funny side. Friend called me and congratulated me for the first ever (he says) aircraft photo on this site.... ....and without being out of context!!!! (he says)
  21. Very interesting photos Wayne. Thanks alot. You are right, not only in galleots. I think that has something to do with Lateen sails and their handling. In some cases there are not appearing, but maybe there are just omitted by the artist .
  22. Thanks for your interest Mark. Indeed many question marks. During my pre-building research, I have saved this graph of a lateen sail handling (its from a building post on this site, unfortunately dont remember which one), but i dont find any answers yet....Dumper? buffering control?
  23. I like the idea of the counterweight/buffering control. Kind of reminds me of the horns on the flight control surfaces of aircraft wings, which, I think, are there for buffering control. Maybe......
  24. Hmmmm, Interesting thought Pat. Thanks alot!!!!!
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