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Everything posted by michael101

  1. hello please someone know how to tie the rope on the anchor on the wood part? thank you Michael.
  2. thank you Danny !!!!!
  3. Hello everyone After belaying do you put some glue on it ? I just almost finish my belaying work and I told to myself that I'm not going to cut the residues of the lines before i will ask that question Thank you, Michael.
  4. thank you all my flag made of silk I can cut with scissors ? and if i need to rigged can you Explain how?
  5. hello everyone I'm going to start with the flags and because its my first build(bounty of mamoli 1/100) do i need to know something before i start? how to cut the flag? how to glue the flag to the rope ? how to make the flag That will not fall ? .. kind regards Michael.
  6. Hi Thanasis You have to get that tool for your collection i think its the best tool for belaynig credit and thank to Jay Lol just waiting to finish my day at work to go home for using my new tool i spent s lot of time trying to tie the the lines on rhe belaying pins and now finally its easy. Best regards Michael.
  7. thank you!!!! amazing idea !!!!!!! I did it now and its fantastic !!!! here is some pics... By the way do you putt some glue after you tie the rope on the belaying pin ?
  8. Hi thank you all I bought the ds 460 weeee There is only thing that i want to know is that noise is normal? (I never heard a scrall saw before so maybe its ok https://youtu.be/VGCukG2f5Xc Best rigards Michael.
  9. Hello mark I'm from Israel and the point is that all the scroll saw (that didn't came from China and not made from plastic like dremel...)are expensive Here is a link of the a cheaper store (the currency is shekel and 3.9 shekel is a one US dollar ) http://www.polack.co.il/filter-cat.asp?c=58&f27=232&f190=1000
  10. hello i want to buy a scroll saw (i not have any saw not a table saw and not a scroll saw... i think for the beginning a good scroll saw will be Excellent for me because for cutting planks i have the chopper and i have the Dremel for timbers .. so I'm Guessing that i not need a table saw for right now...) my question is if someone have the proxxon sd 460 and how is it? in my country that kind of tool are very expensive (it cost here 634 usd!!!)
  11. good idea !!!!! and thanks its my first build bounty 1/100 of mamoli I'm working on that Almost a year till today and enjoy every minute !!! kind regards Michael.
  12. nice... But still I think the idea with the thread is more practical You do not have to look for bits of straight wood and stuff like that you just need thread
  13. hello i made the guide http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/10354-guide-how-to-install-the-mast-on-the-deck-perfectly-straight/ best regards Michael.
  14. 1.first of all you have to make sure that the deck is a straight !!! (because may be the tabel o even the flour is not Leveled) for that i used a small spirit level 2. i took my stander of my dremel and i connected a dowel to the stander... 3. I tied a thread to the dowel (no to tied because you have to be abel to move the thread until you will fined the perfect position ) , and in the end of the thread i tied a Weight... now you can use Carpenters glue and installing your mast perfectly straight !!!! i hope that my guide will be helpful for you best regards Michael.
  15. Thank you friends for all your answers i did it with "Carpenters glue" p.s thanks a lot to "dee_dee" your message (If you glue the mast into the mast step, you have only one chance to get it perfectly straight. For that reason, many builders prefer not to glue the mast into the mast step, instead the mast is held in place by the rigging.) made me think and when im thinking only good stuff raising up so.. i took some pics from my process and i hope to get a free time to make a nice guide with pics about how to install the masts perfectly straight !!!!
  16. Hello Which glue do you use for gluing the mast into the hole in the deck? Thank you Michael.
  17. hello now I'm working on rigging my first model ship and i just want to understand do i have to wax the threads ? and for what is good to do this ? and What is best to buy and where? thank you Michael.
  18. thank you all!!! now i have anew problem in my plans of the bounty there is no description about rigging sails please if someone that built the bounty before even bounty from other company can send me the pdf of rigging its will help me a lot thank you Michael.
  19. hello everyone I bought today a very good quality of fabric to make the sails can you guide me how to do that thank you Michael.
  20. thank you keith you are the best!!!
  21. Hello everyone As I said in the previous post I'm building my first model (the bounty of mamoli) I want to know how to polish the edges of the YARD I saw a couple of ways to do this but there is no explain how to mark the WOOD It also need to do a kind of square edge in the mast joint area I would be happy if you share your experience with me in how to mark and how to polish/cut the wood thank you, Michael. I attach some pictures of what I did until now
  22. thank you keith !! where did you fined the guide ? there is more guides for my project? hi Tadeusz there is a lot of missing Details in the ship from the movie you can see even the decoration is missing i think the guy that made the ship was a bit lazy He had to get into our forum before he built the ship anyway Thank you for the comment saludos Michael.
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