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    Boxford, MA
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    Theater, Opera, Music

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  1. Tony,

    I just downloaded a copy of FreeCAD two days ago.  I bought a CNC Router about a year and a half ago with a cut area of 17” x 17”.   I was hoping to use the router when I retire....  Well currently only made a sign for my dentist, a sign for our subdivision with Twin Oaks (30,000 lines of code) and a rough draft of engraved shrimp boat.   The sign for the Subdivision was a bit small and had to make it in three parts.  I was thinking of making a toy sailing skiff with a mast and sail.  I tried to use the Ship workbench provided by FreeCAD.  I have not been able to merge Ship with other views.  My laptop may be too old. I was going to use just a plain flat view of the top view which would become the deck of the skiff. I would then add seats and a place to hold the mast.   The hull top shape would be the same as the deck.  I was thinking, the deck would fit into the hull.  The skiff would only be 8 or 10 inches long.  Can I get a FreeCAD file of the top shape  (flat view only)  of a plain flat deck or tell me someone who could help me?

    1. TonyM


      Hi Sam,

      I did not have much luck with the Ship workbench.

      Based on what you are describing I would create a horizontal rectangle to be larger than the hull and then extrude the rectangle to form the solid deck. Then make a boolean intersection operation with the hull so that the deck edge is aligned with the hull external shape.

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