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About Walkdaplank

  • Birthday February 26

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  • Location
    Ontario, Canada
  • Interests
    Model building, Geocaching, offroading and just plain touring around to see this wonderful world

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  1. Well progress is slow. With the holidays and work lately I just haven't found the time. I have done some and will post some pictures but it is more like if I have 30 minutes its glue a bulkhead and get to another one in about a week.
  2. Yes a little bit. I found that some of the bulkheads were off about 1-2 mm. The worst was the keel, about 2-3 mm.
  3. Well , finally got some time to work. I have installed the keel, stem and stern post. Cut out the rabbet and marked the keel for the bulkheads. I almost forgot to taper the keel stem. I have just glued the first bulkhead in place. Not sure where I saw the lego brick idea but I thought I would try it.
  4. Looking good John. I am running just behind you with the a same build. I just wish a had more time to build. I haven't had a chance to update my log the last couple of days. I will be following you right along if you don't mind. I too got my kit on sale for $149 at M Expo.
  5. Finally starting my build log. I have spent a good hour or so going through the kit and counting out the parts. Not too much missing, a few double blocks and 1 casting of a carronade roller assembly. Not too major but surprising. Being that it is a small part I will just try and carve one out of scrap wood when I get to it.
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