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    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    Hello shipmates.
    Carl thank you for passing by and also for your likes.
    Elia, thank you for your nice words and also for your likes.
    Mike, thank you for your likes and also for your kind words.
    A Sunday update....

  2. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    Hello shipmates, Lawrence ,I thank you for your kind words for passing by and also for your likes. Edwin-Elia-Mike I thank you for visiting my build log and also for your likes.
    I applied one more hand of red paint to the hull.

  3. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    Hello my friends, Edwin, I thank you for visiting my build log, for your nice comments and also for your likes. I am very glad that  I helped you . If you have any questions about painting procedures let me know.
    Elia I thank you too for your nice comments, for visiting my build log and also for your likes.
    Mike thank you for visiting my build log and also for your likes.
    I did some additional work...

  4. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    Hello shipmates , Lawrence-Xristos and Mikegerber , Thank you for visiting my build log and also for your likes. :)
    A small update...

  5. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    Hello shipmates! Elia thank you for visiting my build log and also for your likes. Mike thank you for your kind and encouragement words and also for your likes.
    Edwin I thank you also for your visits to my build log and for nice and encouragement comments. And of course for your likes.
    Lawrence thank you for your likes  for visiting my build log and also for your very encouragement and nice words about my work.
    Now regarding the painting of the ship I use Vallejo model air with an airbrush.The primer was not Vallejo and on the second white stripe i noticed that the paint did not seem well attached. So i decide to remove the paint and applying a Vallejo surface primer that is surely compatible with Vallejo Paints.Also I noticed that Vallejo primer has more sticky texture. (Just in case to avoid future problems).

  6. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    Greetings to all. Nigel-Carl-Brian , thank you for visiting my build log and also for your likes. Another small update to my build...

  7. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to marktiedens in Wasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Corel - scale 1:75 (Vasa)   
    Update - finally got all the weather deck guns rigged. Also got most of the deck fittings in place including the slightly modified capstan.



    Thanks for looking.
  8. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to marktiedens in Wasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Corel - scale 1:75 (Vasa)   
    A small update - started rigging the guns.I am using Chuck`s nice little 2mm blocks. The blocks are really nice but also really small - I don`t know how he makes them so small and yet so nicely shaped. They are a bit difficult to handle but I am slowly getting them done.

  9. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to marktiedens in Wasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Corel - scale 1:75 (Vasa)   
    A little progress.........Most of the bow figures done. I may start on the guns & port lids next - tired of painting.Need to make some sawdust!


  10. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to marktiedens in Wasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Corel - scale 1:75 (Vasa)   
    Thanks Frank - I have corrected the placement of the tall figures on the sides of the upper stern 
    . I had them on the wrong sides.

  11. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to marktiedens in Wasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Corel - scale 1:75 (Vasa)   
    Update - finally got the stern finished.Corel only gave 2 knights to stand guard by the windows in the stern & they were way too tall to fit in the space provided so I used some of the extra figures in the kit instead.They are just a little bit short but at least there are 6 instead of 4.Also built the front railing - I didn`t like the dolphins the kit provided so I used some nice columns I had in my spare parts box.Also built the knightheads while waiting for paint to dry.I don`t have a milling machine so I tried to make the sheaves by drilling & filing but that didn`t work too well so I made them by laminating a number of thin strips glued together to form the sheaves. Then I cut some thin pieces off a dowel to make the pulleys. Not perfect but they look good from a foot or two away.





  12. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to marktiedens in Wasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Corel - scale 1:75 (Vasa)   
    A small update - been painting figures. Most of them don`t match what`s on the real ship but they look ok from a distance. The kit did not provide for the 4 port holes in the upper gallery so I made some from some brass eyelets from the fabric store. I also didn`t like the oversize plastic windows so I searched through my spare parts boxes & found a couple of etched brass windows which were just the right size,so I used them.



    Now back to more painting
    oops - I meant the lower gallery
  13. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Apologies for the lack of updated folks but work has been going on in the background.. in fact I'm pretty close to a Photo Update .. ('WooHoo' I hear you say  )
    Well I have assembled the Rudder at last (Today) it is sitting in place on its Gudgeons & Pintles and awaiting the final painting.  I didn't want to complete painting (Hull & Rudder) till all the Rudder metal work was fixed in place, due to the scraping and rubbing usual to my clumsy assembly methods.. seriously, if it's possible to damage paintwork then I'll find a way ! 
    - The upgraded pumps are assembled and ready to install
    - The Ordinance is pretty much ready to go too (only final assembly required.. 'Only'  hmmm heard that before eh?  )
    - I located a small chain that will act as the Rudder Preventer (or whatever it is called) and soldered up the connection to the Rudder for it (the 'Spectacle' or somesuch.. Wow is it small, couldn't believe I actually managed to make it !! seriously though it is small  ) 
    - Made up a bunch of Mast Hoops also using Dee Dee's method .. So big Thanks to D for that (the method is over on her build, 'bout half way down.. I used ordinary paper though, no Dollar Bills to hand     http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/4670-muscongus-bay-lobster-smack-by-dee-dee-from-midwest-to-chapelle-124-small/page-6 )
    - Almost have the Boom Rests done (the fellas that support the boom's at the mast, proper name unknown  ) and the fake 'copper sheet' to stop the Boom Jaws from rubbing the mast too much.. Thanks David for info on that last bit !
    Question Time Folks..Re the 'Boom Rests' ..   Ballahoo only has one Boom (on the Main Mast)  the Fore Mast is 'loose footed' !! should I put a 'Rest' there also, even though there is no Boom.. in other words would this sail have always been 'loose footed' or could a boom have been used at different times ? (I'm inclined to put the Rest in place regardless)
    Hopefully Photos next time.. don't forget the question above folks   
    All The Best
  14. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Back to work....
    Starboard side.... Gun ports cut in, framed, and painted red....

    Bamboo skin planks added up to top wale, and planking above the wale painted black.
    Still must complete the second planking below the main wale. Since those planks will be painted white, I will not be using bamboo for that area.

    Sideboards have been added above the decks to form the bulwarks....will be planked and painted red.
    The rough framing for the starboard galleries is temporarily tacked on, but will be removed to add the arched windows and extremely heavy ornamentation.

  15. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    My little shop pal "Smokey" spends most of the time roaming around the shop floor looking for something wood to tear up.
    So I leave the ship yard to do a quick run to the grocery store for the Admiral.... forgot to put him in his mansion.... and here's what I find upon my return. 
    Little thanks for allowing him to hang out with me, huh?

  16. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Completed the first planking this morning, and began with several strakes of outer planking

    And here's a dry fitting of the bulkhead I've been working on.... Not done with this yet....

    Back to outer planking.... Note the use of Bondo (auto repair filler) to level and smooth out the surface of the first planking layer.

  17. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Next, before planking the next level of the aft decks.... The plans I used to cut out this deck were drawn with two large gratings, which I will now reconfigure to allow one smaller grating and an opening for an open passage way with rails (as seen in the inset photo of AVBiker's build)....

  18. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    While still working on the first bulkhead module, I have managed to complete the deck planking of the waste area, and begin building the bulwarks with gun port frames.
    The gun port frames, shown in the previous posting are created as seen here by simply using a perfectly shaped block to glue up the four sides. The block form assures the frames are very precisely the same size and perfectly squared up.... This assembly creates two frame units.

    Each frame, made of bamboo strips, is just over twice the width needed, so I am able to split them with my mini table saw, and get two frames from each unit.
    Here are the gun port frames glued in place with custom fit panels glued between each...

    And here are the five frames in place with all the custom fit panels....

  19. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Whilst plodding steadily along fitting deck planks to the waist area and building the first bulk head module, I have a couple of off-ship projects going on.
    Because of the number that will eventually be required, I am building gun port frames along with the task of trying to come up with a quality mold that will give me consistent parts for the little crowned wreath.
    I had to go to "Smooth-On" Rubber Mold Compound to get a good repeatable mold.

    Not at all happy with the first attempt posted earlier.... but think I may have come up with something more acceptable....had to invest in new Alumilite casting plastic compound, since, after five years of sitting around, my old stuff just would not mix and set properly.

    It takes about twenty minutes to pour a new piece and remove it from the mold.
  20. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Among several side projects being worked on is the first sculpting of the crowned wreaths that will fit around each of the six bulkhead gun port holes.
    First the sculpting....

    Used to create a casting mold....

    Paint with a metallic gold....

    My first SOS sculpted ornament. One down, a thousand to go....

    Actually, this first one appears a little on the "fat" side, but I'm pretty sure it can be "skinnied-down" with a little more work. Never satisfied....
    I count 32 of these little wreaths on the plans.
  21. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Before painting this module black, I wanted to get a (very rough) visualization of the way I will be trimming it out and adding ornamentation. Finding so many versions out there among many previous builds, I decided this is one area I can pretty much treat about any way I choose.

    I'll be attempting to go with the way Doris built hers.... having an upper and lower doorway and six gun placements.

    There will be two cap rails with short stanchions between.
    This bulkhead is very important because it establishes the height of the bulwarks of the half deck.
  22. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    That really wasn't so bad. In fact, it allowed me to use the same pattern I created to go ahead and cut out the profile frames for the forward bulkheads.
    Decided to build this as a one piece module that can slide right into place and aligned perfectly with the upper deck surface. The dry fitting was perfect.
    I think I will go ahead and add the planking to the face before installing.

    Back to work.
  23. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Got a little problem here....
    I had noted early on, that the bulkheads of these plan sheets were flat surfaced, as opposed to having the profile seen here (taken from Denis Pink's build)....

    Had planned to simply build the profile out from the flat bulkheads. Upon further study, I find that the aft bulkhead is too close to the main mast to do that....

    Looks like I'm facing a major rip-out here.... all the way back to the red line.
    Plus, I'll have to address that grating as well.
    No great problem either way, just hate I didn't spot this issue before I began planking the waste area.
    Fortunately, it still looks good for building out the forward bulkhead as planned.
    BTW.... I didn't like the looks of my planking experiment once dry-fitted .... went back to individual planking.
  24. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Busy morning in the ship yard....

    Decks are cut and ready to go next.
  25. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to SawdustDave in Sovereign of The Seas by SawdustDave - FINISHED   
    Good to now know the exact scale of these plans seem to be accurate. Particularly since I have spent the last two days tracing and cutting the keel and frames.

    She is a big ol' lady.
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