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Ed Meyer

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About Ed Meyer

  • Birthday August 29

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  • Gender
  • Location
    South Coast of Oregon, USA
  • Interests
    Wood working, lathe work, model building.

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  1. It would be nice to know the maker of the kit he is working on so some of us newer folks don't make the same mistake. I am just getting started on the Endeavor by Corral I, thinks. A friend just gave me a new model of the Constitution which was a new kit in 1940, but never opened, that will be my next model to build. Ed Meyer
  2. Thanks for the reply. I soaked it for about 30 minutes in boiling water. 2mm x `12mm by 12" longs. I had previously built the Independence and finished it this year. Ed Meyer
  3. Members: My wife bought me the Model MS Endeavour from Constructo and even though I am a good wood worker and have been wood on other projects. What I am trying to bend is a piece of trim that is 12mm x 2mm by about 10 " long. I have tried boiling the strips and putting them into a press. I also tried wetting the strips and using a heating element to bend them on a form. Any Ideas? Thanks Ed Meyer edmeyer@north-pt.com
  4. Dave: Good to meet you even though it is through our computers. I have just finished my first model "The Independence", and have just started by on second the "Endeavour". Nice model, but some misgivings regarding the model. Only single hull planking, but it will turn out good. Already glued in one part upside down. Sort of like a carpenter cutting a sheet of paneling backwards. I done that also. Good luck on your hobby. Ed Meyer, from Oregon
  5. Triston: All of us start new at some time in our lives. I consider myself as a beginner plus. Working on my second model and have already messed up a little, but will correct it with some help from one of the scratch building books. Good club and welcome. Ed Meyer Oregon coast
  6. Philippe: Glad to have you join us. I am fairly new, so I get a lot of help if needed. Ed Meyer Oregon
  7. Doc Hoy: Its a very good club with a lot of helping hands out there. I was stuck on a model, but with the suggestions I received I started again to work on it and expect to have the model finished in another week. Just in time to start another. Ed Meyer
  8. How do you get sails to appear the wind is blowing. (Bellowing)
  9. To build a full size Triton would take the full club many years and a lot of money to build. Good luck and wish you well. Ed Meyer
  10. I am a new member, but started a model 1 yeas ago from a kit. Almost finished, but have a devil of a time with the rate lines. I am sure this forum will be a great help. I am a senior, living on the southern coast of Oregon, USA.

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