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Everything posted by greenstone

  1. Tender AVOS by Dmitriy (Moscow) before oil This is our exclusive kit (art. MK0303PXN) is made entirely of pear
  2. This skylight is shown in the drawing of a 100-gun ship "Britannia" in 1719
  3. But these are photos of models of the ships of the 18th century
  4. Gentlemen, my regards! Tell me, please, for what purpose was a small box made on the deck with windows (in the photographs I indicated an arrow)? What is it? Eugene
  5. BEFORE OIL after polishing (400,1500 and final 2500 sanding paper) AFTER OIL As we can see, looks good.
  6. Thanks for the feedback! We are trying for you, colleagues. The laser nails deep are half of material - 0.25-0.3mm
  7. Good day! I will show a few photos of one of the modellers, who is now building a kit of "Tender "Avos " This kit is made entirely of pear. On the boards there is an imitation of nails with a laser. This is our exclusive kit (art. MK0303PXN)
  8. Gentlemen! There are subtitles in Youtube and their translation into any language, including English
  9. Gentlemen! There are subtitles in Youtube and their translation into any language, including English
  10. Hello, gentlemen! You are absolutely right. We do that specifically to help close fitting.
  11. photo instruction of the brigantine Phoenix http://master-korabel.ru/manuals/mk0401_ph_instr.pdf photo instruction of schooner Polotsk http://master-korabel.ru/manuals/mk0302_ph_instr.pdf Regards
  12. Good day! I propose to contact one of our dealers in Europe http://www.gk-modellbau-shop.de/epages/61220080.sf/de_AT/?ObjectPath=/Shops/61220080/Categories/Fremdherstellern/Master_Korabel
  13. Sales of a new kit of Tender Avos MK0303 began in Russia this week. In a month and a half we will be able to please buyers around the world with english text instruction, photo instruction and drawing
  14. Our distributor in Australia: Darya Churilina 124 Hubert st. Lilyfield, NSW 2040 Australia darya.projects@gmail.com
  15. Yes, it will be with english text instruction, photo instruction and drawing
  16. Of course. In Australia, we have an official sales representative who has been selling our kits for a year.
  17. It is finished. gentlemen! Sales of a new kit of Tender Avos MK0303 began in Russia this week. In a month and a half we will be able to please buyers around the world. Some photos from first buyers ;)
  18. Gentlemen, can show this in the photos of the real guns?
  19. My regards! Question to colleagues. There is on the drawing an element of the Swedish cannon of 1780-1790 The naval cannon of Tornqvist`s sistem How it should look: A, B, C or else. I can not find a photo of this real cannon in internet. Colleagues, help me please.
  20. Roger, hello Interesting. And where can I read this article?
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