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Everything posted by greenstone

  1. On this 22-gun cutter-brig Mercury сaptain Robert Crown, a Scotsman in the Russian service, attacked the Swedish 44-gun frigate Venus in 1789 and was able to capture a superior enemy. Then Robert Crown commanded his prize - this frigate Venus. Therefore, in the Russian archives there are drawings of this frigate Venus, which served in the Russian fleet. So, I do not think that in the Swedish archive can be drawings of the cutter-brig Mercury. Although, who knows .. Although the cutter was bought in England, it could have been built in another country. I guess it was built in Denmark. I have not seen a similar drawing in the English archives. But something similar I could see in the Danish archive
  2. For my part should be explained. The photo shows a model from the Central Naval Museum in St. Petersburg. Model cutter with a brig sailing. The figure is the god Mercury. 1/24 scale Model made in the 19th century According to the museum, this is the model of the cutter-brig "Mercury", which was bought in England in 1788, and which in 1789 captured the Swedish frigate "Venus". I found in the archives information that after the purchase in England, this cutter was immediately sheathed with copper on the Thames River in private shipyards, why its arrival in the Baltic Sea was delayed a few months from the plan That is why I have a question. On the one hand there is a museum model with clinker, and on the other it is known for certain that there was a copper plating. And where is the truth? My personal opinion is that - probably, the creator of the model was wrong when he made clinker. Sailing equipment on the model is shown as of the 19th century, not at the time of purchase of the cutter in 1788 P.S. Long stored in a warehouse in the basement. The condition is very deplorable. Now the model is under reconstruction in the museum.
  3. Colleagues, what can you say about this particular question?
  4. This cutter-brig served in the Baltic Sea. The sea with colder waters and the paint should be White Stuff, as you wrote.
  5. Hello Bob! I see, Model Expo started selling our new kit MK0103 yawl 68mm 1/72 https://modelexpo-online.com/Master-Korabel_c_164.html You can also buy this kit in the store CraftySailor: https://craftysailor.com/collections/all?page=2 But most importantly, the entire range of our products is presented in this store (block, etc).
  6. Good afternoon, colleagues! I have an interesting question. Could a clinker-built cutter-brig of the late 18th century be sheathed with copper? There is one older model of a 96-foot-long cutter-brig in the marine museum of St. Petersburg with a clinker. Below the waterline is a dark brown color. Does it imitate copper plating or a protective paint?
  7. Wayne WOW!!!! I am very grateful to you, especially for the last link, where the Russian language is in the dictionary
  8. Gentlemen, thank you for responding so quickly to my request! I'm flattered!
  9. Thomas Thanks so much for the tip! Found this dictionary. I will watch it now Eugene
  10. Dear colleagues, Tell me where can I find ship-modeling terms in German (for boat hulls) ? This is necessary for the correct translation of instructions. I would be very grateful for help
  11. in addition to my post Here is the approved coloring of the ship by the Russian emperor Alexander the First in 1824. This is an official document. I think the color of the board from the inside was on the brig Mercury This color looks like
  12. My regards! Brig Mercury (1820) had a specific color, as painted russian ships in the 20-30s of the 19th century We have a real image of the brig Mercury, which was painted by the navigator (sailing master) Prokofiev. He was on board during the battle with the Turkish ships. He is an eyewitness. This drawing is kept in The Central Naval Museum ( St. Petersburg, Russia) I note that under the gun ports was a narrow white stripe. The presence of this narrow strip is confirmed by other archival documents P.S. All other images of the brig are fake. None of the other artists (including Aivazovsky) have seen the brig in reality. Eugene
  13. Our new project 8-oars18ft Launch Lenght in 72 scale - 76.2 mm, wigth - 24 mm
  14. We have an additional new dealer СraftySailor.com in Calgary, Canada At the moment he has all our kits, even a new artillery, blocks and a new boat https://craftysailor.com/collections/boats
  15. Our distributor in Australia: Darya Churilina 124 Hubert st. Lilyfield, NSW 2040 Australia darya.projects@gmail.com
  16. Richmond, Of course. I am pleased to do it. In a few hours I will send you the contact of our distributor in Australia.
  17. Good afternoon. We do not officially sell on Ebay. These are some private individuals selling there. ATTENTION! Our official dealers in the US, Australia and EU sell our kits with instruction in English. If you buy from individuals from Russia, then you will not have instructions in English (only Russian).
  18. Richmond, hello! Buy our kits from the official dealers. In this case, the kit is completed with an instruction in English. Eugene
  19. My respect, colleagues! The translations for our kits were done by the translation company. If you happen to have any suggestions for improving them - you are very welcome. Eugene MASTER KORABEL
  20. Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I want to bring to your attention YouTube videos for assembling one of woodenkit by Master Korabel - Cannon Jolle 1801 1/72 scale art.MK0202 The videos were made by Alexey Vikulaev The video has subtitles and in YouTube you can choose a translation into any language. Pleasant and useful viewing, Eugene Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
  21. I wish everyone good and happiness! I want to show a video of one sudomodelist from Russia - Alexey Vikulaev He shows you how to make a boat 95mm that goes to our woodenkit "Brigantine Phoenix" Enjoy Eugene
  22. Bob, Model Expo didn`t order this kit. Maybe you should make them pre-order. But GK-Modelbau will have the yawl in store. They ordered ten kits of the yawl yesterday. So I advise you to hurry up, if you need this kit now or or from the next batch. Regards, Eugene
  23. One more photo of guns for the Russian fleet at the end of the 18th century. L-45mm
  24. Of course! Boxes of kits that we will officially supply to foreign countries will have nameplate in English, as well as instructions in English. Therefore, it is worth buying the only kit from our official partners as in Europe http://www.gk-modellbau-shop.de/epages/61220080.sf/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/61220080/Categories/Fremdherstellern/Master_Korabel in USA https://modelexpo-online.com/Master-Korabel_c_164.html My regards, Eugene
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