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dover bob

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About dover bob

  • Birthday 08/10/1944

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  • Location
    Nova Scotia , Canada
  • Interests
    scratch building local boats from our Nova Scotia coast.

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  1. Hello Dimitris; After enjoying a great summer I'v just tuned back into your site and I must say you are truly a dedicated modeller when it comes to putting great detail into your model work. I only wish I would spend more time in my shop to do half the work you do on your building. I look forward to your progress and hope what I see will inspire me to put more time at my own model work. Cheers from Nova Scotia Bob
  2. Hello Dimitris. It is a joy following your work .Your model really looks good and I can see you put a lot of work in the detail of putting the pieces in place. I haven't been working on models lately because of completing some major work on our property.I'm eager to get back at the models but my real learning curve is trying to learn how to master this computer. Cheers from Nova Scotia. Bob
  3. Hello again Dimitris, I'm still working on finding my way around all the information onMSW. Your work on this model is really good and a joy to see all your posts on the excellent progress you are making. Cheers from Nova Scotia. Bob
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