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  1. Hi skymohammad, Congratualtion on finishing the model. I'm also almost completing mine - I'm a begginer and I agree with you, the instruction are awful... Not only that but I had 1 missing piece and the metal ones which are supposed to be perfurated were not, and since they are all so small I ended braking several trying t create the hole or just working around that... improvising... I have one problem, I'm missing the last instructons page, step number 20. Does your book have it? it's supposed to be the handrail and I don't know if something else... If you could send me a photo of it would be much appreciated. Thanks for the help
  2. Hi cdogg, how is your build going? Have you reached step 13?
  3. After a lot of time, work and frustration. This is where I'm at, facing a big decision: Sails or no sails?
  4. This is my first build, and when I received it I was expecting to be finished afer a few months... It's been 1,5 years
  5. Thanks a lot for the quick response, I didn't realise I had to make this one myself! I'll move forward now
  6. HI, great build, I've been using it as a guide But I have a question, how to the Chainwales, pieces 43 and 44, look like? I can't seem to find them on my box :/ Thanks for the help
  7. Well this is where I'm at, and I have a question, should I continue and glue one more line of laths between the end of the curvature and lath 12 on the keel? (on the stern and middle sections) this way making it homogeneous and without a rift or leave in like it is? Thanks
  8. Good to know I was right, I actually considered it.. I think I'll go with 3). this way I keep it symmetrical
  9. I used titebond original, so water should have loosened it, but I tried to no avail... both with water + X-acto and even with a paint solvent... maybe soaking it would work but I don´t think it would be very kind to the rest of the structure... Yeah..
  10. Well now this was totally on me and on my rush.. I've been away from the work table for some days and was now beginning to sand the bulkheads to match the deck and noticied this... Tried to unglue the deck but it's no possible... whats the best way work around it? I thought of 3 solutions, please give me your view in this: 1) Just let it be and glue the stern fillers (#17) on their intended position, simply cut the right side smaller, leaving an empty space between the left one and the space the keel should be (which can later be filled with pieces of wood later on if necessary) 2) Increase the hole in the deck to match the keel and glue the stern fillers around the keel 3)Glue the left stern filler in place. Alter the right one (sanding it's back) so it too can be placed in it's right position but with the keel now running behind it, and then fill the space like in 1) .. Any help would be appreciated ... Thanks
  11. I'm just worried if I can keep the shape while sanding it down
  12. Now this was a trick part, the instruction are awful, the drawing of the deck doesn't match the deck! it isn´t centered its off by some mm and the width isn´t equal... but I did has they said and glued the guides.. surprise surprise when I tried to fit the deck the one in the back didn´t match... So ended up shaving some of the wood so they fit. And now as you can see the bulkheads are visible from above on both sides, so not a center problem... Instructions are badly written and the pieces badly cut.. this does not help
  13. Have not glued the blukheads yet but I was trying the deck over them and its floating about 8mm above them.. Is this supposed to happen? I pushed a little in the middle to see if it bent, but started to hear some crackling and stopped
  14. Whats the bes way to align the bulkheads with the hull? I tried filing down the joints as the manual says, but this way is almost impossible to get the right height :s
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