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About pasanax

  • Birthday 07/15/1990

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    Split, Croatia

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  1. Ty for the tip Torbogdan! After I've completed the planking i've realised some things about planking, but I will apply that knowledge on some other project learning through mistakes, the only way I know... Anyways, I think I am finished with the main part of the construction. Next step is to make rows! Paralel with that I will paint the rowers so I can position them and the rows correctly. Applied 2 coats of matt lacquer to seal the paint and protect what i have so far from the elements. Also made a little chair for the [guy that controls the rudders]. that is sepose to represent this: I've drawn the eyes (i have to correct this little black line in the eyeball that i messed up) and made the ram. The ram was ''sculptured'' from Greenstuff (its a really nice modeling asset --> https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71au1BqMamL._SX355_.jpg and here are some things that people do with it -->http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-JUyGGlqg55k/UTpnhPLPjQI/AAAAAAAAAPM/Um1pKu3Spck/s1600/23957_md-Dark+Angels+Deathwing+Greenstuff+Space+Marines+Terminator+Armor.jpg Now I have a little problem, my front fence didnt meet that pole in the front of the ship, due to the fact that i've cut off the original front part and made a new one. Now i have a little gap between the two: The new version (left) and the old version of the pole (right) that was properly designed to meet the fence. But I am not worried by that fact because there will be a sort of a flag (sheet) covering the front part of the ship so the gap wont be visible, just like in the picture below:
  2. Long time no update well, probably because I didint work on the boat for some time... but I am resuming now alright. Unfortunately, I've lost the box with the remaining parts so I'll have to improvise from now on and remember the plans from my head. So the fence is done on the boat, it fits the height of the models rather nice. Also I've covered the red line with some planks to make it a bit more tidy. Hoplites are getting ready to board the ship
  3. Its been some time since i uploaded some photos last time I haven't been working on the model a lot, but i managed to get a few coats of paint on it. So I basecoated the black parts, and added the red strip on the sides. Well, my plan now is to drill the holes on the sides for the rows and than build the fence drilling the holes will be a chalange! Attempt at wheathering effects inside the hull
  4. Finished the ram. The bottom part of the ram has some holes in it that got revealed through the sanding proces, so bit more wood filler will do the job. Next step is to glue the upper deck and than do the rough paintjob
  5. Louie (Steven) I listened to your advice and I picked a book about myths that i had home (from Gustav Schwab, any mythlover should have it). There I started reading the myth about argonauts. So here is the thing: The ship that Argonauts sail on is a pentakora (50 oars in one row) that predates the bireme. The myth itself is happening way before the bireme and trireme time, before the Troyan war (that is still in bronze age if i recall good). So all of the crew are fighters and sailors at the same time, but the bireme and trireme had a much more complex hierarchy onboard so i belive that the Argo doesen't give a good representation of it, although it gives a good ''first hand'' look into their age of sailing (that could be before 1200BC). The period I am looking at is of 6th and 5th century BC But i will read the myth to the end and see if there is anything else of interest. Furthermore i've done some progress on the ship naming. Basicaly i've found a picture of Olympias trireme from behind that shows the ships name carved into a piece of wood. So I will go with that, and do the same on my model Here you can see the picture and the ships name on the left side.
  6. Thank you Loiue, reading the argonauts mith is a really good advice. I haven't done that yet, but am sure i could find some interesting info there. And i've never seen that video before, I was more concentrated on the bireme/trireme that i forgot about the argonauts! ty!
  7. So the gaps can be fixed with some wood filler and after the sanding they should be less visible. Here is what the gaps look like after the sanding: You can see where the gaps were because the wood filler is slightly different color, but after painting it it should blend
  8. I've finished rough sanding and its beginning to look like something next step is to make the ram!
  9. Hmm strange that you couldn't find them. They are exacly on this link http://store.warlordgames.com/collections/greeks You just need to scroll down, they are somewhere near the bottom under the name Greek Hoplite shield designs waterslide transfers. (thats a direct link to product) But if the link doesent work than go to the site warlordgames.com ---> then pick category Hail Caesar 3000BC - 1500AD ---> select category GREEKS The decals are listed somewhere near the bottom/middle And by the way, if you want plastic shields you can easily find greek shields online in different scales (or maybe you enjoy more making your own out of coins)
  10. Here it is Hans, the order arrived in mail today ! There are different size of decals, so you can basicaly pick the size you need. Here is a scale next to 5cents (the only euro I had) If you want me to send you more, just tell me
  11. So the crew arrived through the mail today! Those are Roman sailors made by Orion and 2 sprues of hoplites from warlord games. The oarsmen are just fenomenal and exactly the scale I needed. They are made from a strange rubbery kind plastic which I haven't seen on models yet. But what is good about that is that their arms can bend a bit, allowing for proper placement of oar in their hands, this is what comes in one box. I will be using only the oarsmen and sailors that are not wearing any armor. All of the other models are Roman only, so they wont fit on a greek ship. Now the hoplites are just fenomenal models. Outstanding detail and plastic for the price you pay for them. Now, unfortunatly I wont be using them, because they are out of scale. They are 28mm and oarsmen are 25mm. I tought the difference will not be that big, but I was wrong. So the hoplites will wait for some other project. scale difference All in all, i am very satisfied. Oh yes, and i fixed that broken part effectively
  12. Hello Hans, I've been following your log for some time now. I am building a Bireme from Dusek, its very similar but much much less complicated than yours. What I am in particular interested is the ram that you made by yourself and it look incredible! Just wanted you to know that I am using your pictures as a reference for building my own on the bireme (since the ram on Dusek bireme is, well, rather bad) Keep up the good work, cant wait to see more! Yes, and another thing. I saw that earlier you were talking about painting detalis on the euro coins like shields. Were here is a thing that might be of interest to you concidering shield paintings: http://store.warlordgames.com/collections/greeks Those are made based on actual shield paintings found on pottery and such. They are made for 28mm models, I've ordered myself some recently. If u are interested in scale and size of the decals i can take some pictures with a ruler next to it when they arrive, if u are interested. Cheers
  13. Hmm I haven't seen that book so far, might aswell look it up. hahaha, epic failure?
  14. Thank you all for the feedback, this forum really helps me because your opinion matters to me, since this is the first ship ever that i am building. So I applied wood filler and now when it dries i hope that i can sand it so atleast its not so obvious.
  15. Finished the planking, I've applied wood filler and i hope these gaps between planks will be less visible after the sanding, which i planto do next.
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