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Glenn Houle

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Glenn Houle

  1. This is a possible way to finish your dead eyes when installed. Gently paint them black. hope this helps
  2. Good morning Igor, my compliments to you on your figure heads, an outstanding job. I am currently working on a couple of ships that need figure heads Hercules and some stern work for the 1/76.8 Constitution and also a figure head in 1/72 scale for the Continental 74 gun ship America in 1782 built in Portsmouth NH. Please let me know if this is possible. Thanks  God Bless   Glenn Houle

    1. igorcap


      Hello Glenn. I think anything is possible. I am currently having some problems related to the war and limited electricity supply, but I am fulfilling orders as best I can. If you do not have strict deadlines, I am ready to complete orders for you. If you are satisfied with these conditions, please send me to email igorcap@ukr.net the source materials and your wishes so that I can assess the possibility and cost of the work. Best wishes

  3. Well done on the HMS Indefatigable, outstanding work. I guess that I'll really have to save to get this ship. Because of your great work on all of these ships, how about the USS Constitution in 1/64 scale, backdated to 1797 to 1803 time period? Only a suggestion. Keep up the great work. Merry Christmas! Glenn
  4. Greetings to all. I built the Royal Louis a few years ago. Your workmanship is outstanding once again. I e-mailed someone aways back that I was 14 dummy cannons short to complete this ship and install the gunport doors. Was wondering if I could get them to finish. I know there was a fire a while ago. If anyone could help , that would be great thanks Glenn
  5. Hello, I'm new to this website and watch it frequently as I am building several American sailing warships. Since I live in NH, I am looking for prints or information to build the USS Congress 1799, from Portsmouth NH, same scale as the USS Constitution 1/76.8 . Also, I'm looking for prints or information on the 74 gun ship America, also from Portsmouth NH, same scale. The America was the only 74 built in Colonial America (1782). Thought that I would say that this website has been VERY HELPFULL in many ways, Thanks. Glenn.
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