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Everything posted by Submarineman

  1. That would have been a time consuming error! My build not got off the ground yet have been quite ill for a long period of time but heading in the road to recovery. Will definitely be reviewing all of your build log again when back on track. It is looking brilliant.
  2. Stunning Paul, simple as that. Were those rigging calculators of any use to you?
  3. Thanks Geoff, (Off topic) I to was on sweepers based in Hong Kong - Wasperton and Monkton back in 79, before changing tac and joining submarines in 81 til 2005. back on subject area! I had the Constructo Victory given as a present by she who must be obeyed (CINCNAG HOME), but due to house move, renevations and work I have only just started to set it all out. During that time I have been collating all the tools and equipment to make the job easier, conducting research and collecting a library of books. But the rigging element excites me and as you alluded to make up a full range of required rigging - it will be trial and error but I will get there - I do love the idea of the rigging card. another area my mind is focussed is the Victory Gallery at the stern - considering hand carving the whole thing, especially the finial decorations - don't like the brass etchings supplied by Constructo. Have been admiring from a distance the various build logs: yours and Paul0367 too. onwards and upwards, thanks for your sound advice, it will be taken onboard. All the best
  4. Hi Geoff, Thanks very much for that, I also am intending to make my own with my home made Ropewalk, and have been trying to source thread that will not stretch or sag over time. The prices on 1000m reels of Floriani are very competitive compared to those available from the modelling outlets. Thanks once again.
  5. Geoff, just a quick question about the Floriani thread you use, do you find that it stretches at all?
  6. Hi Guys, Well after moving house last year, I have eventually made progress on my man cave. Whilst this was happening I have had loads of time to research the finer point of HMS Victory (I served on her in the late 70's as buffers party for two months). Have come to the conclusion that Constructo kits are not that detailed; hence more and more research into how I want my model to look. Initial Changes I intend to make are: Fibre optic lighting See through gallery Make all ropes on my own Ropewalk Well that's plan! Talking of plans I came across a wonderful website "Myhobbystore.com". And purchased a set of six plans for £27.50, well worth it. See attached photos. Progress thus far is cutting out plywood hull components: will keep updated as and when I get time to do more
  7. Hi Paul, Managed to pick some rather large plans from. myHobbystore.com, £27.50 for 6 plans. Some of may still be pertinent at your stage of build: specifically the running and standard rigging plans.
  8. Perfect, Paul, the time and patience has paid off, well done to you, a great example for everyone to follow. Happy new year and good luck with the rigging.
  9. Looking good Paul, do you intend to have it in a glass case when complete?
  10. Yes the plans are OK but instructions not so good - I agree that the reference books are absolutely fantastic and tend to check, check again and double check against those to get the best picture. Paul has created a masterclass Which are equal to if not superior to the reference books- must have about ten now and still counting. Once again well done Paul. I hope my model turns out somewhere near his.
  11. Hi Paul, started prepping for model build, numbering parts etc, getting more toys and tools. How the hell you got to the standard of build with the crappy plans I will never know. All I can say is well done. Thinking of painting mine to the new colours (apparent original 1805 colours). Waiting for RN Museum to tell me the actual colours though.
  12. Hi Paul, It's still not started- house move, boxes in loft and garage so need to empty those and set up workshop. Wife won't let me build indoors!!!! Busily collecting all the tools, additional materials etc. so still looking on enviously at others progress.
  13. Paul, All is looking fantastic, just moved house and now need to set up my workshop, my build of the Constructo Victory has been delayed and delayed and I cannot wait to get started. I think my build will be made easier with your excellent ships build log. Thanks for sharing your experiences, trials and tribulations.
  14. Hi guys, Just previewing my Constructo Victory 1/94 plans and I was not impressed to find the partial bow sprit. Are all the kits have is shortage? See image attached
  15. Hi guys, Just flicking through the plans for my Constructo Victory 1/94 model and I have come across some types of would that do not seem to be available at the various model shops. I.e Ayous Sapelly Anatolia Does anyone have recommendations for alternatives? I have not started the model yet, plan to start in November so until then I am gathering additional materials, components etc. Your help would be very much appreciated. Thanks Grant
  16. Paul, you are a true inspiration. I am about to tackle this Constructo Victory project - have been reading and re-reading the plans etc have made a rope walk machine and kitted out my shed, preparation, preparation. In addition to the supplied kit what additional items would you suggest that I purchase prior to start - I.e. Materials, fittings etc (not tools)?
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