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Posts posted by Garward

  1. The choice of color of ropes remains for you: you can leave as already made, and you can to make light ropes already established in a place a little more darkly (for example, having impregnated them with strong tea or the average fortress of coffee or simply brown dye - but before to paint, surely try on a slice of a thread what color will turn out).

  2. Garward, 

     I certainly like your build berth, and look so much more professional than the commercial items.

    I like to suggest you to post plans for us to build such, if possible.

    Looking good!


    Hi, Per, thanks for build berth assessment! I didn't do for build berth of the present drawings as a design quite simple and I managed at construction by several pencil sketches. For orientation the main sizes are specified in the description, but it isn't obligatory to adhere to them, each modeller can make build berth under the model.

  3. The history with the personal plate from OcCre firm on Corsair (see my message http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1020-corsair-by-garward-occre/page-4) had continuation: where that in a week after obtaining this plate of OcCre sent me one more letter with the personal plate on Montanes and Better guns would replace with expressions of approval of my choice of a whale of their production.


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