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Posts posted by Garward

  1. The knot of drive is made on description (photo 8 – 11) and drafts, by developed Boris B. This construction, to my mind, combines in itself dignities of direct drive and strap transmission, simplifies assembling and regulation of knot, and also does not make noise practically.

    Description of Boris B:


    Drafts  of Boris B:


    As compared to initial drafts  the diameter of semimuffs is diminished on 6 mm, that they did not come

    forward for the sizes of holder.




    15.1. JIG  SAW


     In the course of Montanes construction for production of details I used  available for me jig saw (self-made "minifactory" for thin laths and an interline interval, FET PROXXON for thickness to 20 mm and MJ10200J Feida for thickness to 40 mm). I have come to a conclusion about necessity of construction jig saw, deprived, whenever possible, lacks of the listed units (the design features sometimes essentially complicating operation; time and the efforts spent for maintenance of accuracy of a cutting; the big noise etc.). In particular, at FET saw a disk – tightening the screw constantly so gets jammed the extremely unsuccessful knot of fastening that I already two times had to cut off its head, differently a disk was not to remove (the same lack marked also others modellers).

    Initial ideas of construction were:

    - The basic range of a cutting – wood in the thickness from 0,5 to 20 mm;

    - Accuracy of a cutting 0,1мм;

    - A cutting under various corners;

    - Table adjustment on height;

    - Reliable knot of fastening  a cutting disk and simplicity of its replacement;

    - The stock of capacity excluding (reducing) overheat of the engine at long work;

    - Noise reduction. 

    As a result of viewing and the analysis of a considerable quantity of descriptions industrial and self-made jig saw at me the design shown on a photo 1 - 7 has turned out.





  3. This is a great unit. Well thought out and built.

    Can you show how you attach the sandpaper on the drums you built yoursef?

    I have looked at making my own but have not found a decent method of fixing the sandpaper without using glue. 


    Thanks for the comment! The sandpaper on the drums fastens by jamming of the ends of paper in a rectangular groove on a wooden drum. On a photo the similar groove on a metal drum is shown. For jamming the wooden rectangular level of suitable thickness is used.


  4. Hello Garward

    She has a nice view sitting up there on the table facing the window, like she's longing for sea. Beautiful picture in #465 I think it was.

    With the mast up (Very nice work as always) I can't wait to see her with shrouds up and hitched. As adding the mast makes the ship grow, addding the shrouds fill them out. One day I aspire to learn and have your talent for detail.


    On the back scroll work on the transom, is that paint or gold leafed? Which ever it shines like gold. I love the Stern of the Montanes.and your windows are just amazing, the detail is so real.


    Looking forward for more, thanks my friend.

    Hello, Keith!

    Many thanks for warm words in my address and a work appreciation, it is very pleasant to me. Decor on the transom I coated Revell Gold, it is gilding imitation, the real gold would cost too expensive :) .

  5. Hello (алло) Garward and a good morning to you,


    Your masts are looking great. smileys-applause-320832.gif

    I really like the overall pictures of your Montañes.

    It won't be long now before you have this log up-to-date. And then you finally can continue the build.


    Take care,




    Hello (привет), Anja, many thanks for attention to my model and job evaluation! While it still restoration earlier made, I try to finish this process somewhat quicker.

  6. The adaptation to boring machine PROXXON ТВМ 220 is constructed for polishing and calibration of direct laths and various curvilinear surfaces of details. The ideas obtained with various shipmodels sites, and also struggle are put in a design basis for ecology (vacuum cleaner connection - in this case Metabo ASA 1202). The box is made of the laminated parquet board in the thickness of 14 mm, grinding drums factory, and also self-made in diameter 30 and 50мм (the wooden cylinder covered with a layer of firm rubber and насаженный on a steel axis in diameter of 6 mm). I result some photo of this adaptation more low.


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