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Posts posted by Garward

  1. Hi, Sjors, thanks for the comment! Everything is all right, I consider that such discussions of the various moments of construction of models are very useful to participants of a forum. Actually, discussions and discussions is one of important missions of a forum. But as for construction of concrete models, each modeller himself choosing how to build this model therefore your decision and will be correct, despite discussions.

  2. @ Augie

    Thats what I love about this place. Great rational discussions and debate, and a genuine atmosphere of constructive criticisms. The perfect learning environment. I've learn more from belonging to MSW (actually I lurked until the crash) then I could in any classroom and its more fun then the classroom setting.


    I love how every persons build is right, because who knows exactly how they were and many ships changed repeatedly with refits.


    That brings up a question The San Ildefonso was taken at Tragalfar if memory serves me and became the HMS Ildefonso. Someone had statement it looked like a mini-victory, which made me wonder, was the black and ocre colors used by both english and spanish ships? is there a history to why certain colors were used?

    Like I said, this hobby creates so many interesting questions.




    Really, this hobby creates a huge set of questions!

  3. This is one of those issues where everyone is 'right'.  It depends on what we are trying to depict on our model.  In looking through Gardiner's new book, The Sailing Frigate -- A History in Ship Models, models are depicted both ways.  The majority, however, are clean brass as a ship would have looked on the ways.  If we want weathering/aging, perhaps we should all follow Frank's (riverboat) example and go so far as to include barnacles and seagull droppings!


    Sjors has a ponderous choice in front of him :) .


    Various details can be shown or not on model but if to show them, they have to be the corresponding color (including and barnacles and seagull dropping   :) ), differently it not modeling, and a fantasy of the author. As it is well-known from a set of various sources of information (instead of from some books on models), the overwhelming quantity of metal details by the real sailing ships 18 of an eyelid was made of iron and steel of black color. Also it is the obvious fact.

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