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Posts posted by Garward

  1. I've been doing some researching on old metallurgy and as a chemist I was surprised that wrought iron, due to its low content of carbon is less corrosion resistant. The carbon seems to spread the iron atoms in its crystalline structure and allow oxygen a better foothold. Its kinda interesting as we always think steel is stronger, but then strong is a very multi-faceted word. The key is the combination of Hard, flexible and (if in the ocean) corrosion resistant.

    I also wouldn't think case iron would be used much on anything that would be stressed as cast iron is quite brittle. Wrought iron is quite stronger then cast and has a small amount of carbon which gives it grain like wood.


    Its interesting when you look at the history of what Smiths were doing. They understood the metal even without knowing what caused the wanted effects (at least at the atomic level), although they understood the processes. In a way they knew more then we do today, but yet knew less. Paradox.




    Thanks for information on iron, it is known to me. I in the professional activity for a long time am engaged in research of metals, metallographic analysis of cast iron, steel and various alloys, and also nondestructive testing of these materials.

  2. Holy cannon blasts, someone blew the whole larboard side off that one.


    @ Garward

    I cant seem to get to the last page of your Montanes log Garward, Everytime I reopen it I forget where Im at and I get bogged down looking at your work, again and again. Cant seem to stop myself. One day I'll get caught up then post. Amazing Details.




    Hi,  Keith, thanks for the comment!  It not gun explosion, it is called "section"   :)
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