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Everything posted by MikeR

  1. Thank you Vladimir, You did a great job on your repairs and I like your carvings. One of these days I am going to have to try to carve a fish. I have finished most of the rigging for the mizzen and main masts. I still have to run the lines for the yard braces, but I will get to that latter on. I had some belaying pins that I was using, they are very soft and I think they are made out of lead. I am replacing them with pins I made out of 1/16" brass rod. I am turning them on my wood lathe and using files to shape them. I have made about 40 so far and only have 50 to 60 more to go. I have been replacing them and tensioning the lines at the same time and I am also redoing lines that I found that were crossed or twisted.
  2. Hello All For the last few days I have been working on the main mast, lower yard and topsail yard. While working on rigging I broke the knuckle joint on the topsail bracket that holds it on the mast. I do not know what I caught it on, I made another one out of brass and broke it today. I use my wood lathe and a file to turn 1/8" rod down to .039" or 1 mm. I then use a die to run the threads on. I turned another piece of brass and made 2 more. Then I thought about turning one out of steel. It should be stronger. I had 1/8" stainless steel rods so that is what I used. It took a little longer to reduce it to 1mm but it came out ok. I then ran the threads on and it turned out easier than I thought it would be. I hope the steel one will last. MikeR
  3. Today I turned the Main Top Mast, finished the top mast cross tree, made 2 of 3 iron blocks, and temporary installed the top mast. It surprised me how tall it is.
  4. Rick thanks, it is a good way for me to pass the time of day. Except it goes to fast. I turned the yards for the main mast and made the iron work for the lower arm. I also made that little jig to hold the yards while I work on them. If only the foot ropes would stay the way they are now. Mike R
  5. The last week or so I have been working on the rest of the rigging for the Mizzen Mast. My eyes are not what they use to be, and my fingers got too big. Tomorrow or Monday I will be starting on the Main Mast.
  6. Rob & ClipperFan Thanks for checking up on me and letting me know something is not right. On going over the drawing again I found this note "Iron ring in band lined with leather and greased". So I installed the iron ring in the band and the leather and grease you can not see. I guess that is how this yard clamp works, it allows it to slide up and down the mast. Thank again MikeR
  7. Rob the plans that I have for the Flying Fish show the truss and truss bands on the lower, topsail, and top gallant yards. The royal and skysail have hinged parrels. I see in the Harold Underhill book Masting & Rigging that it is only the lower and topsail yards that have the trusses. I have been following the plans so far, other than the color, I do not paint my models I like to use different color wood.
  8. Clipper Fan thanks for the comments, I enjoy the metal work it is easier than the rigging, my hands are to big. Top Sail metal work Mike R
  9. Today I made the iron sheet blocks, I used .013 brass and cut them out on my scroll saw. I glued 2 pieces together and glued the pattern on. That way both sides will be the same. A little sanding and they were ready for assembly. I cut 1/16" tubing for rollers and spacer and soldered them in. Mike R
  10. Rob, I have fun doing the metal work especially when it turns out good. ClipperFan, I like doing the rigging even when I snag and break something reaching through the lines to tie something off. Johnny, It must have been something to work the sails in rough weather. I think I would have liked that job. I have started on the metal work for the mizzen topsail yard. I am using my scroll saw to cut the yard truss out of 3mm (.118) copper, then using files and sandpaper to finish it. It would sure be nice to have a metal lathe and milling machine. I have watched several members using these machines doing wonderful work. Especially when I have to make several of the same item.
  11. Yesterday and today I finished the standing rigging for the mizzen mast and started turning the yards and iron work for the lower yard. Mike R
  12. Today I was working on the 2 anchors. I cut them out of 1/8 " copper on my scroll saw and only broke a couple of #5 metal cutting blades. I silver soldered the shank to the arm and using files and sandpaper shaped them. I then pickled them in an acid bath and rinsed them in water and then acetone to remove any grease or oil. I used liver of sulfur to blacken them. For the large shackle I used .049 copper wire and flattened the ends and drilled an tapped them for a 1mm screw. Mike R
  13. I started turning the lower yard. I made this attachment for my wood lathe, too take the wobble out of the thin pieces of wood. Mike
  14. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. I made and installed both tye lifts and discovered I forgot the bracket for the topsail yard. I made one that clamps to the mast. I then installed the shrouds and backstays for the top mast. Mike
  15. Rob Here is a drawing of how I am going to rig the topsail yardtopsail rigging.docx
  16. This is my first attempt to make the topsail yard halliard metal blocks. Only eight more to go.
  17. I finished installing the main mast shrouds and the mizzen mast stay.
  18. Today I was working on the top mast cross trees and when I finished the one for the main mast I temporarily installed it. Only then did I notice that both main mast trees were not perpendicular to the center line of the ship. They were off about 5 degrees. To find out where the problem was I had to remove the mast. So I cut the lashing between the dead eyes and cut both the mizzen stay and main mast stay. I could not find any problems with the mast, when I placed the mast in the mast slot it twisted. Somehow when I added the wood sides on the mast slot they were out of square. I had to sand the bottom of the mast into a rhombus shape and then shim the mast in place. Everything looks good now, so I am back to installing the main mast shrouds. Mike
  19. Thanks for the comments Vladimir, I have been watching your Glory of the Seas and it is outstanding. I have been working on a few more deck fittings.
  20. I have been working on the tops for the lower masts, chain plates and dead eyes,
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