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Everything posted by george

  1. Cheers Mike for the kind comments. The netting is called Tulle I believe, my niece gave it to me but I don't think its hard to get hold of. I soaked it I tea for a while to get a better colour, the original colour was too white. Although black is as good took me a while to decide which colour to use. the photo's seem to have washed it out but it does look quite good in natural light. George
  2. Here's where I'm up to at the moment. Can't think of much else that needs doing on the decks. I might put a couple of carronades on the forecastle. Not made my mind up yet.
  3. Best of luck mate. Riggings not my favourite but masts and yard I enjoy doing those. Let me know what sort of percentage of knots you can do off ship. Would like to do proper knots etc. but get very frustrated doing them on ship. Just about to start hammock netting on my Aggie. Think its the ship decorations next. So many different little projects on this beast. George
  4. Great work on the boats mate, they do make her look even busier. I didn't think that was possible. George
  5. Hello Pierre. Excellent progress my friend. Brings back a few bad memory's, I can remember quite a few repairs after cutting the gun ports as well. Sure it will all come right in the end. As for the front facia, I tried the same caldercraft blue and was never happy with it. It was to dark for me, so ended up mixing a couple of humrol blues to get the colour I liked. Its a personal choice though and looking back i'm not sure I made the right decision. Couldn't keep changing my mind though. George
  6. Hi Mobbsie, Thanks for that mate. I've remove the cavel cleats luckily came away easily ( didn't make a very good job of gluing them on). Do you think its better to fix them on now or after I've done the steps from the poop deck? Helps always welcome George.
  7. A few more pictures. Just started to plank the poop deck
  8. Cheers everyone for the kind words. Mobbsie I bought the posts, caldercraft if I remember rightly. Turning something that small I think is beyond me. George.
  9. Hears where I'm up to at the moment. Really enjoyed the upper deck. A few fiddly bits but no real problems.
  10. Hi Mobbsie, With you there mate, don't want it to end either. As soon as I get in from work I'm strait on the Agamemnon. Love one day to build another 2/3 decker but where to put it is the problem. Anyway keep up the good work, loosing ground on you now. George
  11. Excellent work on the boats. Looking forward to making those myself.
  12. Hi Mobbsie. Not really a block mate just that the top deck seems to be taking an age. Had a day off work today and got quite a bit done. Just the stairs and cannons to go now, been thinking of putting a couple of 24lb carronades on upper deck. Been reading up on the Agamemnon and it seems she did carry carronades at some point.
  13. More excellent work Mobbsie, she's really looking awesome. I still can't believe that you keep up this sort of pace. I seem to have hit a bit of a block at the mo. Sure i'll get going again soon though.
  14. A few more pictures of my latest progress. Managed to fit the Cavel cleats in Mobbsie. Would have been easier if i'd done it at the right time though. Had to shift my HMS Snake the other day. Thought it was a biggy when I built it but as you can see the Agamemnon 's going to tower over it
  15. Hi Sjors. Good luck with this beast of a ship. Its a great kit and its going to take 100s of hours of pleasurable building
  16. Cheers for that Mobbsie. Glued. the top deck on yesterday without the cavel cleats. I spotted that weeks ago when going over the plans but completely forgot about them. anything else that needs looking out for, advice would be more than welcome. Cheers George.
  17. Just a few more pictures of where i'm at, at the moment. Struggled a bit rigging the gun tackle, seemed to take an age. Then you cover most of it up with the top deck. Finishing of the head rail assembly now, can never seem to get that quite right.
  18. Just had a chance to check in, great work again mate. You do certainly move along at a pace.
  19. Have to agree with everyone else hammock netting looks great, as does the rest of the work. No way I could keep up with your pace, struggling through Gun carriages at the moment
  20. Hello all, Thought it was about time I had a go at this. Not great with this sort of thing so hope this goes ok. Started my Agamemnon March this year, couldn't believe how big it was when the box arrived. This is my 3rd build, HMS Snake ( Caldercraft ) and Racehourse being the others. Followed Mobbsie and Decoymans Aggie builds and they have been a great help.
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