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Everything posted by Kishmul

  1. That is about it for this thread. I have added a few minor details (bollards, fairleads etc.) but they make little difference to the pictures. Next job is to make up the bill of materials, think about tooling, order up, and get started in the spring. Any further questions I am happy to answer or other views requested. Otherwise look out for the real-life build log around April. Not sure where I am going to put the log- scratch certainly- but POF or POB? It is neither! In the meantime I have the time to tackle another 3D CAD project, the problem is which- suggestions please?
  2. When you make as much scrap (through failures) as I do, the scrap box fills quickly. Come winter it is sorted- but then I have a wood-burning stove!
  3. Thank for all the likes and comments. Live steam is beyond me, nor do the plans include such information.
  4. Got another few hours in. Images as requested.
  5. Nearly finished, but have discovered an error. Either in the plans or I have made a major boo-boo. Need to do thinking!
  6. Usually the next one, but for a serious answer, Caldercraft's Imara has plenty of scope for detailing and some whizz-bang RC features.
  7. Four hours just to complete the boiler piework.
  8. Pat That is the plan, I am beginning to come to the realisation that it is easier to do this in the virtual world than it will be to do so in the workshop. This is not good. Ken
  9. Windy thing for the pointy end. Ken
  10. Back to virtual metalwork with the left/right thingy.
  11. This is where I am at. Kurt- you are correct, published in "Model Boats" April 1982 - that might save you some time! Ken
  12. I have no intention to violate forum policy, nor to suggest that I will do so elsewhere and promote same here. Full stop. IMHO, there is an issue for discussion and advisement. Perhaps not. If so, Admin are welcome to delete this topic.
  13. Thank you all for your replies. This fits with the legal advice I have had in the UK. The lawyer I contacted is an expert in intellectual property rights, though not in international law. I will not infringe the rules of the forum (knowingly, for unknowingly, I hope for a warning). As it happens, one publisher has offered to put my efforts up for sale having covered (at their own expense or liability) all copyright matters. But my income would be measured in pennies. It is interesting that in another use of my workshop I build trinket/keepsake boxes from designs in a number of books. The designers make their income from book sales, I am free to copy their designs as I have bought the book. If you have bought the plans from Ancre that is as far as you can go, the rest is up to you. I will take you further and charge you for that. I will not breach forum rules, nor publish anything until this is sorted.
  14. Thanks folks for your comments. I am in the UK, and have discussed this with some legal folk. It seems to be a minefield.
  15. A coming project is a 74 gun ship as described by Jean Boudriot. Whilst the books are essential, they are insufficient to create a model. The next resource are the plans by La Charpente. Even armed with these there is much lofting to be done, many hours of work in CAD. Both the books and the plans (bought from Ancre) will be within copyright, but what of the drawings I produce? As examples, the plans show the station frames but not the others, nor are the transom timbers detailed, nor the beams. As it is my intention to cut as much wood as possible on a CNC machine I have a lot of CAD to do. It seems a waste that the work I do to create these files will just take up memory on my PC, I am well aware that I will not make a fortune by selling them but I could save a fellow modeller hundreds of hours of work for want of the price of a memory stick, postage, a little beer money and a donation to NRG. There will be errors in my drawings I do not doubt, but sharing them on this forum will both expose and correct them. Any thoughts of experience? Ken
  16. Details can be found on this link- oops, I cannot paste links- search "Zulu sternwheeler". Navigate to the Steamboat Museum of models by Ralph Lossing and scroll down to view.
  17. Some details of the metalwork from the Model Dockyard plans. The lathe will start turning in April when sawdust will also be created. A build log will follow.
  18. Having told the optician what I needed glasses for, she prescribed a second pair specifically for model-making. They are safety glasses to the appropriate standard and whilst not cheap they were not overly expensive as they are hardly a fashion item from a leading design house- unlike the Admiral's. I got a nice holly log from a friend and let is season before mounting it on the lathe and turning to round. There was an almighty bang. There was a nail deep in the log which the bush had grown around. Three stitches on my left temple and a nasty scratch on the right lens. Different angles and no glasses and I would not be typing this and model making would be over for me. I am no rich man, but can stretch to a £200 kit. The glasses cost me £60. We can all do the math.
  19. Try Cornwall Model Boats for kits and much else. No financial link for me, but their delivery charges to the Highlands are very acceptable.
  20. Hi, You are not that far away from me (about 50 miles) and I completed an Artesania Bluenose around thirty years ago- a bit too long ago to comment on the current kit! Welcome aboard. Ken
  21. This is what I have used in the past- self-adhesive copper slug tape- (search on Google), making up a former for the nail indents.
  22. A small, rotary power, tool (like the Dremel) would be my first power tool. And there is no need to take my word for it - it was Harold Underhill's only power tool- not a Dremel, but I rest my case.
  23. Nope, not possible with the weight and trucks (wheels) do not swivel. The recoil forced the cannon far enough inboard, restrained by the ropes, to clean and reload.
  24. Belaying pins were found on the wreck of the Mary Rose (1545).
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