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About gjøa

  • Birthday 12/05/1965

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Halden, Norway
  • Interests
    Model ship building, cabinetmaking, modelengineering, Disabled sports

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  1. Hi There are several model clubs in south Norway. Do not know what is in Stavanger. Can try to find a list of Norwegian model clubs. There are also some Norwegian members of MSW Will also talk about this at the next club meeting Bjørnar Svendsby
  2. Hi Per I speak both Norwegian and Swedish. But they are quit similar, except for local dialects. Bjørnar
  3. Thanks for welcomes and likes. I am soon ready for some workshop time again. My first rehabilitation after the leg lost is soon over. Tings is going quiet well. So i am ready to " make sawdust" again. Have a pretty nice workshop, but need some long days to get rid of the chaos And gradually some Gjøa pictures and maybe a building log will come Bjørnar
  4. Hi Morten It was very interesting. Do you think there could be a slight chance to get to see inside the boat. Wondering about design details inside. Bjørnar Svendsby
  5. Now I surfed around on your site long enough, without presenting me. So her i go My name is Bjørnar Svendsby and live in a small town in Norway called Halden. My interests are everything with model building Like many others, I built models as a youth. And has begun again in old age. I have projec on Gjøa, a Norwegian ship that sailed thrugh the northwest passageways in 1903- 1906. She was many years in a park in San frasisco, before she was taken back to Norway and put in a museum. It will be a POF building so things take time. I've only managed to build some small parts. But to have a building that is slightly faster have I begun to build Chucks Cheerful. Photos and maybe a log on either Gjøa or Cheerful come, but it will take a while. Gotta get my new leg in order first. Staying at a rehabilitation center for amputees for a few weeks After reading much about pirate kits here on this page, I told someone in my local model club about this. And we agreed to have this as a topic at the next meeting. I will take with me the list of Banned Kit Manufacturers. And I will tell how they Operates, stealing drawings and stock kits that they sell as their own Bjørnar Svendsby written with the help of Google translate
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