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    Wilmington,NC USA

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  1. Sarah, I know what you are going through. I had a relative pass away who was a bit of a hoarder when it can to plastic models. I bought a glass display case and put maybe 25-30 on display in my house. Problem is I had to rent a storage unit to store the thousands that he had collected over the years. They are all very nice models just sitting boxed up. I have given away many over the years. Some to children, some to veterans. I know what you mean about not being able to throw them in a dumpster. Good luck with finding new homes for the ships. I have enjoyed giving the models away to people that have really enjoyed them. It may just take a little time. Duane
  2. Looking good CaptainSteve. I've just started my Connie, I'll be following your build with interest. Still glueing bulkheads onto the false keel.
  3. Wow! Good for you. I was enjoying your log but was shocked when I got to post #22. Glad to see you were able to resume the building. Can't imagine something like that happen especially later into the build. I like your solid building board. I've just started my Connie and will keep an eye on your progress. Thanks for the log. Duane
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