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Everything posted by leclaire

  1. Mike, Two thoughts. One, i would go with your second solution. Much easier and it should not show after the bowsprit is painted. My second thought is that when I do things like this I have a really hard time not taking the whole thing and slamming it against a wall. Hats off for your patience. Bob
  2. Mike, Try going to Michaels. They have a great assortment of different size beads for making costume jewelry. That has worked for me. Bob
  3. Mike, Regarding your question of why some folks apply a filler to the deck and then sand it off - it seems to me that I remember reading somewhere that in doing this the residue remaining between the planks after sanding is meant to simulate caulking. I am planking the deck of my own Niagara at the moment and considered this approach. But I am quite content with the look I get with just a light sanding of the decking. I would think, however, that in order to be effective the filler used would have to be a different color than the deck material. Not sure how this might affect the deck in terms of discoloring. Bob
  4. Mike, I second Jim's recommendation for trying Ace Hardware. I had a need for the same thing you are looking for and my hobby store told me to try Ace. Sure enough they had just the item in stock. Bob
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