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Everything posted by RobinB87

  1. Hello! Long time i now...😅..but this year im finally ready to go for it again. We had a few years ago some damage on the roof of my house and almost done renovating my whole house... BUT.. most of my drawings are lost due to waterdamage that few years ago!😣 I contacted Ancre but they wil not send new plans 48 scale only 36 scale. But i dont want to recalculate every measurment🙈 Is there somebody who will sell these to me so i can start again/continue? Or is there somebody who can tell me where i can get the set in 1/48? Fingers crossed!!! Greetings Robin.
  2. I think amateur is correct, its also a nice ship to see and it has a big package of different modelling skills. There is a good amount of info to find on the internet, and the author of the monograph is also on a few forums to help where necessary. I think all that info is the reason you see that many online.
  3. Welcome Adam, i like the Bounty and i am very curious to see you're new challenge. I think when you take you're time to do everything right it will be fine. Be patient, especially in the beginning (drawing and making hull) doesn't matter its a kit or scratch, it will give you a lot of pleasure with the rest of the build..😉 Do you already now how you gonna start building the hull? Admiralty style, or?? I wish you luck with you're new build, ill track it!👍
  4. Hello, today i started with making my building-boards. After the drawing part i made two corresponding long "ribs", Those are the backbone of the ship and hopefully they hold my ship straight and square🤞😁 Also i made a false keel to mount everything straight and i made it 2,5 mm thick (half keel minus rabbit). After that i start mounting every 5 or 6th rib, i glued them in place and those are my markers, i'll fit the rest between those. Those i will not glue at first, but later when all the sanding is done.....you'll see when i am on that point in the future. That's all for now! 👍
  5. You can always make them by yourself, i think its a good workout to test you're patience 😅 Its only a suggestion 😉
  6. Hi, its a very interesting, and i find it also a easy way of making my hull contours. It was a little bit of a struggle at first to discover how everything was done with the drawing part but after some small tests i think i am on the right track now😄 If there is some interest i can make a "how to" build log from the beginning. The drawing part is the most difficult part i think to understand. I am to far now and didn't make more pictures than these, but if i order some new drawings in the nearby future i can create a small part of a hull from start to finish. Just let me now, then i collect how much interest there is.😉 Best regards, Robin.
  7. Thank you all for your warm welcome! I'm exited to join in the conversations and logs on this forum 😀 Best regards, Robin
  8. Stunning job! Love your build😃 Bets regards, Robin
  9. Love your videos Andrew! Keep up the good work😀 I just started my own Le Fleuron, its very helpful to see how you manage some jobs on this beauty👌 Best regards, Robin
  10. Just discovered your build log. What a beautiful job! This one is in my follow-list now😁 Best regards, Robin
  11. Just discovered your build log. What a stunning build! Chapeau!🙌 Are you also rigging this beauty? Best regards, Robin
  12. Hello from the Netherlands! In this build log i will post the updates of my scratch build of Le Fleuron. Bought 4-5 years ago the book and plans of Ancre, very nice and helpful!🤩 This is my first scratch build of a ship, and i started today with the real build. I've read and study for about 3-4 years about this ship, and made the drawings to start my build. I use the method a lot of Russian modelers also use, didn't see it often on forums. I have never had my own build log on a forum, but i thought i give it a chance. I also need some help i think in the future😉😁 Greeting Robin.
  13. Hello! and let me introduce myself a little bit. I read for a while on this forum and now my own project is starting so i thought i post here, lots of help here! I never been on a forum so i hope this works well for me.😁 I am Robin, 34 years old and living in the Netherlands. I've been modeling since i was about 10 years old. I've started of with model trains, then some plastic kits and wooden kits. I have a high standard in my modeling. A few years ago i made a switch in my profession to mostly carpentry, and i have to say that i love wood!😃 Also 4 years ago i have bought the plans for my new project, Le fleuron. I've read and researched a lot but since i moved to my new house it was on the upper shelf for a good year. Now i am off to hopefully a good start with this beauty, i have some questions and will start a new topic in the coming days. Mostly of my drawings are ready to go!! This project wont be a fast one because i have allot to do beside modeling.....but patience is the key!😉 Greetings!
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