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  1. I would be very pleased to get them if they are still available Backer. I am having difficulty posting to the forum. Yes, you make yourself understood with your English as well 😁What is the best way to not get hacked by bots? Best regards, Lorne Bohn (Canada)
  2. Hi Fellows, I'm having trouble posting and don't know how to deal with the bot issue. Many thanks for your kind offer on the parts bluebird. I am certainly interested if they are still available. This is my first build. Any suggestions on how to proceed? Best regards, Lorne Bohn (Canada)
  3. Hi Bluebeard, Thank you very much for your kind offer. This is my first build. I am also new to using this website as well and do not know how to contact you with my mailing address so that the bots don't hack me. I'm in Canada.
  4. I'm having difficulty posting. Thank you very much Blackbeard! Those are the pieces I need. This is my first build and I wasn’t aware of what I was getting into. I have just been taking my time and improvising the kit as I need to. There isn’t a lot of information on this part of the construction. I have done a bit more since these pictures were taken. Any suggestions would be welcome. I will gladly reimburse you for any inconvenience. Please send me the account which you want me to use as well. My address is: Lorne Bohn <address removed for privacy> Please us PM's for this information. Love to see some of your projects as well. Best regards, Lorne Bohn
  5. Yes. Thanks for your reply. Those are the parts that I am looking for. I believe there have been several updates in the plans. Some versions are slightly different than the others in both construction and part numbers. One set has these pieces listed as F536. I intend to either use the plastic parts to complete the model or use them to carve my own. My plans do not show rudder hinges either while the plans on-line show that it has three hinges. Lorne Bohn
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if I have one of the oldest, Billings,Norske Love kits around. The date on the plans say, "Aug. 1966" I bought both the kit and the brass fittings for it and managed to complete the hull when life got in the way and it has sat well protected on a shelf all these years. Now I have the time to work on it and would like to complete it. Billings has made many modifications to the original kit over the years and I believe it is no longer made. The kit calls for carving the fret work on the stern as well as the figurehead but I am not very satisfied with the detail stamped into the balsa which is provided. Has anyone done this kit that I could communicate with? I would particularly like to find detailed pictures or plans for carving the stern. I am also not proud and would be happy if someone had these pieces as extras made out of plastic and I could work something out with them. Best regards, Lorne Bohn
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