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janet bode

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About janet bode

  • Birthday 03/05/1944

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    warwickshire u-k
  • Interests
    ship modelling

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  1. I own a Byrnes Thickness Sander,i have found that the machine will only sand for 20minuets

    before it gets extremly hot,i then have to switch the sander off for about an hour and thirty minuets

    before it is cool enough to use again.I am sanding at the most two thou a pass when the plastic can

    attached to the outer casing of the motor melted because the machine became very hot,i took the motor to a specialist who fitted a new can.Can anybody give me any advice,perhaps i am using the machine for long at a time.Iwould welcome any advice please.

                 Regards janet( bode )




    1. Thunder


      Janet, does get hot whilst on but not under load. I.e if you turned it on and left it running but not sanding anything does it still get hot?

      If so, how does it sound, does it sound noisier than it used to?


      it could be a number of things:

      • bearings are worn ( would make a rumble type noise)
      • Bearings want lubrication ( sounds muted and stiff to turn shaft manually)
      • running out of balance ( would vibrate)
      • If a type of motor that has a fan on the none load end of the motor shaft, is this working sufficiently.
      • AC single phase motor brushes worn or comm rings dirty ( may possibly see sparks from inside motor and possibly burning smell from before gets hot)
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