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  1. Thank you for asking this question. I have been pondering this myself as I am about to go into rigging mode.
  2. Working on the Constitution and I am looking for advice on the cannon hatch covers. The lower hatch seems obvious. Leave it flush against the hull. Trying to decide what to do with the upper hatch. Flush against the hull seems easy but My guess is when opened they probably sat at an angle off the hull. Can someone point me in the right direction here?
  3. I would be interested in buying the plans you have for USS Constitution C. Mamoli Scale.  Problem is I am in GA.  Any chance you could mail them? 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. freewheelinguy


      Will do, but you sent too much money.  thought we agreed on $35.00.  Give me your Palpal acct, so I can reimburse $6.50.

    3. freewheelinguy


      USPS Tracking number is:  9549 0124 6107 0315 3394 44


      Actual charge should be:  $25.00 + 3.33 shipping postage = $28.33


      I should reimburse you $35.00 -28.33 = $6.67

    4. CarolinaCommodore


      my bad.  Make sure you don't need it for shipping and you can send me the change at your leisure.  bennett_sands@yahoo.com is my paypal account info.  Use name is bennettsands1 if you need that as well.

  4. Greetings all! I am wrapping up my first model build. Amanti Arrow and considering what to do next. But, 1st my back story. In 2014, I was in a thrift store buying a framed Matt Ryan Jersey for my son. In the same store they had 2 model ship kits the Amanti Arrow and Mamoli Constitution. They were practically giving them away and figured, how hard could it be? After 2 house moves and hundreds of bottles of wine, I am near completion on the Arrow. It looks great from about 5 feet away! I was unaware that these build logs existed and I just spent the morning looking at mikiek build log. I REALLY could have used his help as I was trying to figure things out for myself. Now that I know, how much time a good model takes I want to make sure I pick a good 2nd model and don't just build what I got. I have seen criticism around Mamoli models. Should I build their Constitution or splurge and get a different version of the same Ship? If so which one? Part of the reason I found your site was that I am searching for Schematic drawing for Mamoli set, I have directions but they reference drawing tables that I don't think were included. Those would be nice to have...if I can't track them down, which version of the Constitution should I build?
  5. I saw you post that you have some spare parts for the Constitution.  I am looking for schematic drawing that should have accompanied the set. I have step by step direction but not the schematics.  Can you help?


    Mamoli Constitution spare parts

    1. jthemanjack


      Just checked and there are the step by step instructions 1-15 ... 8 sheets , a 'general instructions for correct assembly of the model ' pamphlet and lastly two 90cm-130cm overviews marked A and B, A shows the ship in profile, five cross sections and a stern view and B is more of a companion to the instructions showing an overview of the ship in profile and an overhead view .  Both the latter need some TLC in the form of some sticky tape , but both are still legible . Happy to send .

    2. BruceWayne426


      I know that this is a long shot but thought I would check. I am working my way through a Mamoli Constitution build and wondering if you still have spare parts. I am needing the parts to make the grates found on the deck below the life boats. I messed up in cutting these and am now short of enough pieces to make the last four sections required to fill the sections below the boats. The parts look like this:



      You can email me at brucelinafelter@gmail.com.



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